mistake//atsushi and ???//

339 11 10

-angst and fluff

-au-kouyou is atsushi adopted mom.

Warning: abuse.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

It all happened much too quickly, a typical day of training quickly became something far worse. Atsushi hadn’t known what he done, one moment, he was training as usual with Dazai, and in the next, there was a burning sensation on his cheek, and he tumbled to the ground. Dazai was standing right over atsushi and atsushi just too scared. "You need to stop being so weak." Dazai shouted at the tiger boy and atsushi look confused but was scared.

"d-dazai..?" Atsushi said as he looked at dazai, the heavily demonic-looking gaze of his mentor. "What’s going on?" Atsushi finally said, dazai just looked more angry. "You're weak, is what’s going on!" Dazai shouts as delivering a swift kick to Atsushi’s stomach. "I should have been training you harder this entire time. You are hardly qualified to take down a mouse, let alone anyone who might oppose the Armed Detective Agency!" Dazai said as he kick atsushi again and again.

Atsushi was basically close to passing out and was sobbing. "Stop!!" Atsushi said as dazai kick atsushi again and dazai just glare at atsushi, suddenly dazai stopped and atsushi decided to make a run for it. Atsushi could hear dazai shouting for him to come back but atsushi was too scared to go back to dazai so atsushi went to the port mafia base to fight his adopted mom.

The port mafia boss and the executives were having a meeting, when someone slammed the door open. "Atsushi?" Kouyou said as her eyes widen at the sight of her son being bruised up and covered in a bit of blood. Atsushi just fall to ground crying and kouyou went to comfort her son. "Oh shit! What happened!?" Chuuya suddenly said as he get up and walk to atsushi and mori just looks confused. "Atsushi..what happened?" Mori asked as atsushi hug his mom and just kept crying. "Dazai.." Atsushi finally manages to say between the sobs and everyone immediately knew what happened.

"That bitch.." Chuuya said and kouyou just looked angry. "He..hurt my son.." Kouyou said, she definitely wasn't happy about that. Kouyou is very overprotective of her son because of what happened at the orphanage. Atsushi was abused at the orphanage by the Headmaster and kouyou found atsushi and decided to take him in. It took a lot of time for atsushi to hear from that and now dazai could have caused unwanted memories to come back up so kouyou was very upset because dazai basically beat the shit out of her son and kouyou wasn't going to let that slide. "Mom.." Atsushi said as kouyou starts to play with atsushi hair to calm him down.

"Don't worry..he'll pay the price for hurting you.." Kouyou said as she pick up atsushi and chuuya just smile. "Im sorry..but I have some business to do right now.." Kouyou said to mori and he just nodded as both chuuya and kouyou leave with atsushi and they were going to the agency. Atsushi was in kouyou arm and chuuya was following them.

The agency was worried for atsushi because atsushi was gone but dazai obviously didn't tell the whole story so they knew nothing about what happened. Kyouka already knew how dazai was so she already had a feeling what actually happened so she was glaring at dazai. "Ranpo..just help us." Kunikida said as ranpo grab a another lollipop. "Nope." Ranpo said as kunikida sigh again. Everyone was worried for atsushi but suddenly the door was slammed open. "You thought, you get away with this?" Kouyou ask as she walks in holding atsushi.

"Hold him." Kouyou said to chuuya as he hand atsushi to chuuya and atsushi just looked worried. "Mom.." Atsushi said as he standed up and chuuya just hold atsushi hand. "He deserves it." Chuuya said as kouyou walk up to dazai desk and suddenly slap him. "you thought, you could hurt my son and get away with it!?" Kouyou said as she slap dazai again and everyone looks shocked to hear that even ranpo was shocked. Atsushi was just watching it and wasn't sure on what to do. "What? Atsushi is your son?" Dazai asks as he get slap again by kouyou.

"Yes!! Atsushi is my son!!" Kouyou said, she looked very angry and everyone was just so shocked to even say anything. "You hurt my son!! Weren't you a changed man!?" Kouyou ask as she slap dazai again and dazai just let it happen. Dazai slowly looked at atsushi and he could see his upset and chuuya was glaring at him. "Atsushi..it okay.." Kyouka softly says as she pet atsushi head for comfort and atsushi just slowly tear up again. Chuuya notice the tears slowly falling down atsushi face so chuuya slowly wipes the tears away. "It okay..what dazai did to you was wrong..he deserves this and you shouldn't feel bad about it.." Chuuya said to atsushi and atsushi just nod. Kyouka agreed with chuuya but atsushi still felt bad.

The president walked into main office and he looked very confused because there was two executives in the agency. "What going on?" Fukuzawa ask as he looks at kouyou and she was still yelling at dazai. "Dazai beat up atsushi and atsushi mom is upset." Chuuya explained as he hug atsushi for comfort and atsushi just looked away. Fukuzawa looked surprised because he knew nothing about kouyou being atsushi adopted mom. "Mom..I think that's enough.." Atsushi said as kouyou look at her son and she just sighed. "you're lucky..atsushi still care about you after what you did." Kouyou said as she walked up to atsushi.

Kouyou hold out her hand and atsushi take it and they both start walking away. "Kouyou is a great mom..she won't hurt atsushi..so you guys don't have to worry..and I don't know if atsushi will come back." Chuuya said to the agency member, dazai didn't say anything at all. "I will make sure dazai..gets the proper help, he needs because he clearly needs it.." Fukuzawa said and chuuya actually smiled. "Good..I'm sure atsushi will be happy to hear that." Chuuya softly said, and then he walked out as well.

Atsushi injuries and bruises have already healed so he doesn't need to be checked out by a doctor. Kouyou decided to spoil her son again and atsushi tries to convince her not to but doesn't work. "Get some rest alright?" Kouyou softly said as atsushi lay in his bed and slowly fall asleep. Kouyou just smiled and let her son sleep.

Atsushi wasn't able to go back to the agency for a while because kouyou wanted to make sure her son was perfectly safe at the agency. Dazai obviously got professional help and he slowly has been getting better as well."I'm so sorry for what I did to you.." Dazai said as he bow and atsushi just looked surprised but then smiled. "It alright..I forgave you.." Atsushi softly said and dazai looked surprised but suddenly dazai hug atsushi and atsushi just laugh. Kouyou was watching the whole thing and she was happy that dazai was finally getting professional help. Atsushi suddenly looked at his mom and kouyou just sighed. "Alright fine..you can go back to the agency but don't you dare hurt my son again." Kouyou said as she glare at dazai and he just nodded. Atsushi was happy to be back in the agency and everyone else was happy as well.

"Atsushi!" Kyouka said as she run to hugs atsushi and atsushi just smiled. Everyone was perfectly okay with kouyou being atsushi adopted mom because technically atsushi has no ties with port mafia and doesn't even work in the port mafia. "Welcome back!" Kenji said with a smile and atsushi just giggles. "So atsushi..you know mori..?" Yosano ask and atsushi just nod. "has he tried to do anything to you?" Yosano ask and atsushi didn't answer at first. "He tried..but he got beat up by my mom." Atsushi said with a smile and yosano looked relief to hear that and the others were happy to hear that.

Mori did try to do something to atsushi but kouyou caught him in the act and basically she beat the shit out of him so mori is scared to do anything to atsushi. The other port mafia member finally found out that atsushi was kouyou son and now akutagawa doesn't try to do anything to him because he doesn't be beat up as well. Atsushi sometimes hang out with the port mafia member but not all the time. Atsushi wasn't scared of dazai so he was perfectly fine being around dazai but dazai decided to not train him anymore because it could bring up memories so yosano mostly train atsushi because she's mostly free most of the time.

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