half-demon and half-angel//atsushi//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi is half angel and half demon.

Warning: mention of demons and angels, abuse, religion?

(there will be talked about heaven and hell so just warning I guess I don't know if people will be triggered by that)

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi was half demon and half angel but he wasn't always half demon and half angel. Atsushi was once a normal human but when he died, atsushi was different then other humans so he became half angel and half demon and gets to judge people to whether or not they will go to hell or heaven.

Atsushi wanted to experience what humans were like now so he went to earth and disguised as a human. Atsushi was in the orphanage and each time the Headmaster beat him, it was a one sin point. The more points you have the less chance you get into heaven and once at 5000 is equal to immediate death, so when you get a sin point from atsushi, you most likely will go hell unless atsushi forgives you for what you did.

The Headmaster had a total of 5k sin point because the Headmaster also abuse the other kids, and atsushi soon escape the orphanage and was found by dazai. 'Dazai.. has changed quite a bit but is still somewhat evil..' Atsushi thought to himself, dazai had about 23 sin point, which was bad at all because dazai would have more but he was a changed man.

No one knew about atsushi being half angel and half demon and they were never going to find out actually because ranpo wasn't allowed to access that information so he would never find out unless atsushi told them. Atsushi loved his life in the agency but a incident happened.

Fyodor finally got the hold of the book but it malfunction and sucked Fyodor into the page and now Fyodor was in some type of place the resembles both hell and heaven. Atsushi was was also there and was showing his horns and Halo. "Hello Fyodor..you probably already know me though but my name is atsushi.." Atsushi said as he turns around and looks at fyodor. " I don't really see humans that are like you before...you are very different than others.." Atsushi said with a smile and Fyodor look very confused. "This place..a resembles both how in heaven..and you're not dead if you were wondering.." Atsushi said and Fyodor was glad to hear that.

"So.. your half demon and half angel, how's that possible?" Fyodor said and atsushi just giggled. "I'm not really sure..I was just different than others apparently.." Atsushi said, atsushi never understood how he became half demon and half angel but he was. "Fyodor..you still have time to change, change your ways..what you doing is wrong, I know you want the world to be in peace but that can't happen, the world is meant to be like that and nothing will change that." Atsushi said, atsushi was now looking very serious and Fyodor honestly didn't know what to say at all.

"I promise you..it not too late to change your ways become a better person.." Atsushi said, Fyodor look shocked. "The world is meant to be like this, it brings balance to humans." Atsushi explain to Fyodor, atsushi needed fyodor to understand that.

"I don't know what to say.." Fyodor said as atsushi walked up to him. "I can help you..please..Fyodor, you still have a chance.." Atsushi said with a small smile and Fyodor slowly nodded. "..I'll try.." Fyodor finally says, Fyodor would try become a better person and atsushi was happy to hear that. "Great..I hope to see you in heaven one day.." Atsushi said with a smile as atsushi suddenly disappears. Fyodor was back in the room and the book was gone and Fyodor was definitely going to try and be a better person now.

The agency was obviously shocked to hear that but obviously did nothing about it because it was a good thing in a way. Fyodor would regularly pay a visit to atsushi and they will talk about a lot of things. "I must say though..you really are an angel.." Fyodor said to atsushi, they were both in the cafe and the agency was watching them. "I wouldn't say I'm an angel." Atsushi said as he giggled and Fyodor just smiled. Fyodor said his goodbyes to atsushi and he left and the agency with a bit confused but they didn't question it for now.

The agency definitely saw atsushi as a angel but atsushi was technically also have demon, so he wasn't a full angel and will never be a full angel. The agency obviously didn't know that until they actually died but who would be the first to know in the agency. Dazai was the first to know about it, after he successfully kills himself. Atsushi was the first person to greet them, "hello dazai.." Atsushi said with a smile and dazai looked shocked and didn't know what to say.

"..you're quite lucky..you won't be going to hell.." Atsushi said with a small smile and dazai didn't know what to say, dazai honestly thought he was going crazy because he was seeing atsushi with two horns and a halo but it was real. Dazai soon understood what was happening and didn't really question it because he couldn't question atsushi because he was back on earth.

Dazai death was devastating to everyone but soon everyone will meet up again and would find out the secret about atsushi.

(😭 I had to make up the plot and I think I messed it up)

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