mine//shin soukoku//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi and the akutagawa siblings all grew up in the same orphanage and akutagawa and atsushi are together.

Warning: possessive? yadnere?? Kidnapping.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and the akutagawa siblings grew up in the same orphanage. Akutagawa dearly loved atsushi and would do anything to protect him, and gin didn't mind it al all. The Akutagawa siblings successfully escaped the orphanage but akutagawa was going to save atsushi one day. Akutagawa didn't have to save his darling after all because atsushi was kicked out of the orphanage.

Atsushi and tanizaki were looking over a case, when they were attacked by the twk port mafia member. Akutagawa didn't recognize atsushi at first because he looked so different but then he remembered. "..darling.." Akutagawa said in shocked as he uses his ability to grab atsushi and bring atsushi to him. "you're alive..I'm glad to see you.." Akutagawa softly says to atsushi and atsushi immediately recognized akutagawa and atsushi just smile. "Let go higuchi!" Akutagawa said as he started to walk away and atsushi was in akutagawa arm.

Tanizaki couldn't do anything to save atsushi and he immediately let the agency know what happened. "I'm here..atsushi.." Akutagawa said to atsushi as they keep walking and atsushi just hold onto akutagawa. Higuchi didn't question anything at all, the walk wasn't that long and soon they made it to the port mafia base. Gin looked surprised to see atsushi but was happy, and the other port mafia member didn't have a problem with it.

The agency member did have a problem with it and were planning on getting back atsushi. Akutagawa was so happy to have atsushi again, and atsushi was also happy as well. "It been a while ryuu.." Atsushi softly says as akutagawa kisses atsushi. "I miss you so much.." Atsushi said as he hug akutagawa and akutagawa was happy to hear that. "I miss you too..I'm sorry it took me so long to find you.." Akutagawa softly says, the port mafia member found it a bit weird that he was nicer to atsushi but didn't question it.

Atsushi obviously went home with akutagawa and basically live there now. Akutagawa was always sweet and kind to atsushi, atsushi didn't really mind being kidnapped by his lover. "Ryuu..had a bad day?" Atsushi ask as akutagawa put his head on atsushi lap. Akutagawa just nodded and slowly atsushi start to play with akutagawa soft hair. "I'll be making dinner!" Gin said to the couple and they both nodded. The agency members has a lot of trouble finding atsushi because ranpo didn't help them.

Ranpo didn't hate atsushi, he just thought atsushi was a problem to the agency and was putting them in danger so he didn't really care at all. Atsushi was actually happy about that because he got to spend time with akutagawa. Atsushi didn't join the port mafia or anything, he was just in love with akutagawa. The agency member soon find out where atsushi was and plan on getting it back but atsushi didn't really want to go back.

"Atsushi!" Dazai yell as breaks down the front door of the mansion and atsushi immediately heard them. 'Gin won't be happy about the door..' Atsushi thought to himself as he sit there on the bed. "Atsushi!" Dazai said as he run to hug atsushi but atsushi backs away. "Why are you guys here?" Atsushi ask as kunikida walked into the room as well. "we're here to save you." Dazai said and atsushi technically already knew that. "It took you months because of ranpo not helping..ranpo think I'm a problem and I'm putting you guys in dangerous so I'm staying here..ryuu treat me well.." Atsushi said, atsushi didn't plan on leaving akutagawa at all and dazai and kunikida are just shocked.

"Atsushi?" Kunikida said in confusion, atsushi just smile. "..I know ryuu..we grew up in the same orphanage..we been together for a years.." Atsushi softly says to them, "..you guys should go..I'll try to visit.." Atsushi said as he waves a goodbye as both dazai and kunikida left the house and both of them didn't know what to say. "I honestly don't know what to say about that.." Kunikida said to dazai as they walk to the agency in silence. The agency member look confused, when they didn't see atsushi. "Atsushi is staying with akutagawa apparently they've been together for years because they grew up in the same orphanage.." Dazai said to all of them, ranpo actually look surprised as well. "And..atsushi say..he know how ranpo dislikes because he's putting danger to the agency so he decided to stay there." Kunikida said, everyone looked shocked, even ranpo was shocked.

"How did he know? I never talk about it!" Ranpo says out loud and no one could answer him because no one knew. Gin was in fact mad about the door, and akutagawa was happy to see atsushi. "they tried to save me but I told then I'm staying with you.." Atsushi said as gin looked at the broken door. "I'm going to try and get them to pay for that.." Gin said as atsushi laughed. "I'm glad your still here.." Akutagawa said as he hug atsushi and atsushi just smile as he kisses akutagawa on the lip.

Atsushi wasn't an agency anymore after that but he wasn't in the port mafia, he was just dating a port mafia member. Atsushi was enjoying his life and sometimes stay at the port mafia base and has gone close with the other members of the port mafia. "Elise!!" Mori said as elise hug atsushi and akutagawa just glare at her. Atsushi just smiles nervously as akutagawa grab atsushi and kisses him. "Jealous.." Tachihara whisper to higuchi and she just nodded in agreement. Akutagawa gets jealous pretty easily and everyone knows that now.

Atsushi found it adorable because akutagawa was adorable when jealous. The agency also found out how jealous akutagawa can be because they tried to talk to atsushi but akutagawa was glaring at them the whole time. Atsushi sometimes talk to the agency, when they were meeting with the port mafia. Atsushi was enjoying being with akutagawa and atsushi never left akutagawa.

(😭idk why i made this)

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