coma//atsushi is wake?// part 2

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( someone wanted a part 2)

-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi has been in a coma for a year.


(Shin soukoku!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi has been perfectly healthy and technically can work but the agency is a bit worried so they're not letting him work a lot so atsushi is basically home all day so he decided to pay someone a visit. Akutagawa heard nothing about atsushi waking up, he knew atsushi was in a coma. Akutagawa hate to admit his feelings but he does have feelings for atsushi so he was very worried for atsushi. Akutagawa was in his house, when he got a knock on the door. Akutagawa look confused because he wasn't expecting any visitors so he slowly opened the door to see the tiger boy.

"Hello akutagawa." Atsushi softly said and akutagawa is just shocked but suddenly he grab atsushi and hug him. "you're awake!" Akutagawa happily says, he was happy to known that atsushi was awake and perfectly okay. Atsushi look surprised but then he smiled. "I've been awake for a while..I would have came sooner but I didn't know where you lived..sorry.." Atsushi said and akutagawa was just happy to see atsushi again. Atsushi was still surprised because he didn't expect akutagawa to hug him so it was surprising but he was happy because he as a crush on akutagawa.

"I thought..I'm glad you're awake." Akutagawa softly said as he finally let go of atsushi and atsushi slowly walked into his house. "Gin..isn't here at the moment." Akutagawa said, gin and akutagawa live with each other because their siblings and atsushi has met gin before. Atsushi just nodded, gin was on a mission so it was just the two of them. Atsushi was sitting on akutagawa couch as akutagawa make some tea, "I didn't think, you would be worried about me." Atsushi said with a giggle and akutagawa just blush as he puts down the tea and atsushi slowly take the cup. "Of course, I care about you." Akutagawa said as he sit down and atsushi just looked surprised because akutagawa always acted like he didn't care but in reality he does.

"Really?" Atsushi ask, he honestly didn't believe it but it was in fact true. "Yes..atsushi..I care about you." Akutagawa said and atsushi just looked surprised but he was very happy to hear that. "..why thought?" Atsushi ask and akutagawa just looked down. "Because..I like you." Akutagawa finally said it, akutagawa didn't really know how to confess so he just took the moment confesses his feelings because it was the right moment and atsushi look shocked this time but then he smiled. "I like you too." Atsushi said as he slowly turns red and akutagawa wasn't expecting atsushi to like him back. "May I kiss you?" Akutagawa suddenly ask and atsushi just nodded and they slowly shared a long kiss.

Atsushi hands wrapped around akutagawa neck and akutagawa was just smiling and it was an actual smile. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Akutagawa softly ask as be look at atsushi and atsushi just giggled and nod. "Yes." Atsushi said as they share another kiss but this one was quicker than the first one. "looks like you stole my first kiss." Atsushi said with a smile and akutagawa just laugh at that. "I love you." Akutagawa said as he lay his head on atsushi shoulder and atsushi just giggled. "I love you too." Atsushi softly said as he slowly play with akutagawa hair. "and I'm never leaving your side." Akutagawa said as he hold onto atsushi and atsushi just giggled again. "I was so worried atsushi.." Akutagawa said and atsushi just smiled. "I'm here and I'm perfectly healthy..yosano made sure on that.." Atsushi said as akutagawa looked at his new boyfriend face and atsushi was smiling.

"..dazai is probably worried..actually I think everyone's worried..." Atsushi suddenly said, akutagawa just nodded in agreement. "I should probably get back to the can come with me." Atsushi softly said as he get up and atsushi slowly hold out his hand of akutagawa to take and akutagawa took his hand and soon they were on the way to the agency.
The agency was in fact a very worried and dazai was ready to kill the whole port mafia but luckily atsushi made it back in time, before dazai could leave. "Im back." Atsushi said and immediately everyone stared at him. "My baby!!" Dazai said as he kick kunikida out of the way and dazai run to hug atsushi. Kunikida look offended when he got kicked but dazai didn't give a shit.

"Are you alright!?" Dazai ask and atsushi just nodded. 'Oh shit..they really were worried.' Akutagawa thoughts to himself as everyone looks at him now and akutagawa kind of felt scared to be honest. "Did akutagawa hurt you?" Kyouka ask and atsushi nodded as a no. "Actually, me and together.." Atsushi slowly said and everyone was dead silent and akutagawa was honestly getting nervous because he's never seen the agency so quiet before unless it's very serious. "What?" Kunkida finally said as he get up and atsushi just nervously smiled. "is this a joke?" Kyouka ask and atsushi just nod as a no as he grab akutagawa hand and akutagawa just doesn't say anything.

"If you hurt atsushi, I will hunt you down and make your life miserable." Dazai said as he hold onto atsushi and akutagawa just nodded. "Yes..if we find out you hurt atsushi..we will make your life miserable.." Kunikida said as he fixes his glasses. Akutagawa just nodded again, 'damm..even the smart and responsible one is saying he's going to make my life hell, if I hurt atsushi..' Akutagawa thoughts to himself, he was surprised because kunikida doesn't usually threaten people so it's a big surprise when he does threaten someone. "I understand." Akutagawa said and atsushi just smiled. "I can protect myself, you know." Atsushi said, atsushi honestly can protect himself but the agency it's just a bit overprotective.

After a while, atsushi decided to stay at akutagawa house but kyouka threaten akutagawa as well. "Damm, they're very overprotective of you." Akutagawa said as they walk to his house and atsushi just giggled. "Yea.. ever since I woke up, they've been very overprotective." Atsushi said, atsushi didn't mind it because it's made him feel love so he was very happy about it. "I don't blame them, you were in a coma for a year." Akutagawa said, he understood why they're very overprotective over atsushi. "Doesn't the other port mafia member even know about me being in a coma?" Atsushi ask, he was wondering that. "Most likely not..I didn't tell them anything and I don't think the agency told them anything but gin might have noticed me being sad.." Akutagawa said, he wasn't sure if the other port mafia members knew about atsushi being in a coma. " were sad!?" Atsushi said as he grab akutagawa hand and akutagawa just turned bright red.

They soon finally made it to akutagawa house and gin was home but she didn't question anything because she already knew her brother was in love with atsushi and she was happy to see them together because her brother is now finally happy. Atsushi was all cuddled up too akutagawa and akutagawa was holding onto atsushi. "Good night." Akutagawa softly said as he kissed atsushi forehead and atsushi just smiled. "good night." Atsushi said and they slowly fell asleep right next to each other.

The agency was somewhat fine with the relationship but they still didn't trust akutagawa and atsushi and akutagawa have a pretty good relationship.

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