the doctor//atsushi and mori//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi has weak organs and byakko is able to leave atsushi body.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi never knew he was born with weak organs because no one cared about him. Atsushi was once a normal boy living with his parents until they found out his ability and threw him out. The Headmaster found him but decided atsushi was a monster and basically made atsushi life a living hell each day. Atsushi was lucky to be thrown out of the orphanage and atsushi soon met dazai.

Atsushi was able to get a job in the agency but it requires him to use his ability, which wasn't a problem at first but it became a problem when atsushi coughing up blood after becoming a human form. Atsushi didnt know why until mori did a check up on him. The agency was staying at the port mafia base for some reason and mori notice the blood that atsushi coughs up.

So mori decided to do a check up on him to find out why, atsushi was obviously not trusting mori but atsushi also was curious to know why as well. " appears that you have weak organs so that's why whenever you transform, it hurts your organs." Mori calmly explains to atsushi and atsushi was very surprised about that. "how am I meant to use my ability then?" Atsushi ask, atsushi needed a way to use his ability. "I guess you just have to find a way to use could be like kyouka..her ability was technically meant to be transferred into her body but got into the cell phone.." Mori explained, atsushi just nodded and left the room.

No one knew about the check up and that was a good thing. 'So..what to do now..' Atsushi thought to himself as he walked down the long hallway. 'Byakko..could you come out of my body?' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi is allowed to communicate with his ability in his mind. "I could.." Byakko said, that gave atsushi a idea on how to use his ability. 'What if you just come out to fight! I mean I won't be transformed so my organs won't be affected at all..' Atsushi thought to himself, byakko was fine with that idea.

Atsushi soon made it to the room, that he was staying in and luckily enough no one saw him. "Can't believe we're staying at the port mafia base though, I mean I understand why we technically need to get along but staying at the base is a bit too much." Atsushi said to himself as he lays down on the comfy bed and soon fell asleep.

Atsushi didn't know if his idea was going to work but he at least had to try it. Atsushi was eating his breakfast, before training because he has to train. Dazai has been forcing him to train with akutagawa, and atsushi just hate it because everyone is literally watching him. 'Byakko, are you ready?' Atsushi thought to himself, byakko only hummed a  answer and suddenly there was a blue glowing light around atsushi. Everyone looked shocked but confused at the same time. "Wow.." Atsushi said as a white tiger appears and atsushi looked surprised as well.

"It looked like it work.." Atsushi said to himself as byakko stay by atsushi. "Aw..are you worried about me?" Atsushi ask byakko, and byakko just looked away. Everyone still look confused as atsushi stare at akutagawa. "Sorry but you have to fight byakko.." Atsushi said as byakko get ready to jump on akutagawa. Akutagawa look surprised but he honestly didn't care and before everyone knew it akutagawa was fighting byakko. Atsushi just watches it and make sure nothing happens on his body. 'Looked like it actually works.' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi wasn't coughing up any blood at all.

"What..the hell?" Tanizaki said, everyone was deadly confused except for mori. "Look like you found a way to use your ability, without transforming." Mori said to atsushi and atsushi didn't really pay attention to him. "I needed a way so I found a way.." Atsushi simply says to mori and yosano was glaring at mori. "Mori didn't do anything to me..if you were wondering yosano.." Atsushi said as byakko walked up to atsushi and akutagawa is just standing there in shocked. "Atsushi..apparently has weak organs so when he transforms, It basically harms when atsushi back in human form....he coughs up blood.." Mori calmly explains to everyone as atsushi pet byakko because byakko deserve some pets.

"What?!" Dazai said in shocked, as everyone looked at atsushi in shock but also horrified at the same time. "What?" Atsushi said in a confused voice as byakko suddenly disappears. Kyouka slowly walk up to atsushi and obviously hugs him. "Please tell me next time.." Kyouka said as atsushi hug back and atsushi just giggles but does nods. The other weren't really sure on what to think about that but no one really treated atsushi differently and atsushi care about that the most.

Atsushi learned how to use byakko without transforming and it was pretty easy. It actually works a lot better than transforming so it was a good thing that his organs were weak. Atsushi still lives are pretty normal life though and never changed after that.

(So random)

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