aerial hoop//atsushi and elise//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi know Elise and mori and atsushi does aerial hoop


(I saw a video about atsushi and elise having a friendship and I'm obsessed with it)

(aerial hoop is a circular steel apparatus suspended from the ceiling, on which circus artists may perform aerial acrobatics. It can be used static, spinning, or swinging. Tricks that can be performed.)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi saw someone do a trick on aerial hoop and atsushi was really interested in learning it. Atsushi lived in orphanage at the time but one day the port mafia boss came to the orphanage to collect their debt and found atsushi in the basement and mori decided to take atsushi with him. Atsushi was really grateful for that and couldn't believe he has a new home. Atsushi ask mori if he could learn aerial and mori agreed to it.

Learning how to do anything on a aerial hoop was quite hard but atsushi was having fun and that's all that matters. Elise would watch atsushi do many things on a aerial hoop and elise looks fascinated by it. "Wow! Elise said as she watched atsushi try something new on the aerial hoop. Mori was smiling the whole time as he watched atsushi. Atsushi was having fun doing all the stuff because he never did anything like this before.

"Im so tired.." Atsushi said as he walked up to mori and elise immediately hug atsushi and atsushi just smile. "Hello elise.." Atsushi softly says to elise as mori give atsushi some water to drink. Atsushi actually never joined the port mafia and was never adopted by mori at all.

Atsushi was mostly there for entertainment because elise love watching atsushi do things of the aerial hoop and mori couldn't say no to elise at all. Atsushi was just happy to be doing something he loves and atsushi decided to join the agency because he wanted to. "I don't mind you joining the agency at all.. you have no ties with a port mafia and you're mostly here for the entertainment of elise." Mori said as he sips his wine and atsushi just smiled. "I just wanted to let you know beforehand.." Atsushi said as he drinks his office and mori just smile. "I must say though it is impressive that you can do stuff on the aerial hoop." Mori said, he was definitely impressed on the tricks that atsushi was able to do on it. Atsushi just laugh and they enjoy the rest of the conversation talking with each other.

Atsushi join the agency, atsushi didn't mention on how he knew the port mafia boss or anything. "it's nice to meet you all!" Atsushi said with a smile and everyone in the agency introduce themselves to atsushi, Atsushi was welcome in the agency. Atsushi learn a lot of things from them and everyone basically loved atsushi. Atsushi still did tricks on the aerial hoop though but he never told the agency about it because it wasn't that important for them to know.

Atsushi was a great addition to the agency and even saved kyouka from the port mafia. Mori didn't get mad at atsushi for doing that because it was technically atsushi join so mori couldn't be mad. No one in the port Mafia knows about atsushi knowing the port mafia boss because they didn't need know anything about it and it wasn't that important at all for them to know about it.

"we are having a meeting with the port Mafia." Fukuzawa said to everyone and atsushi just sigh because he knew elise would be there. 'they're going to find out..' Atsushi thought to himself, he could hear the agency members whispering to each other because no one knew why they were having a meeting with the port mafia but it was probably something important. The agency members weren't that happy to see the port mafia members and the members look tired. 'please make her stop being mad..' Akutagawa thoughts to himself, he honestly just wanted to go to sleep but he couldn't.

Mori was trying to convince elise to calm down and elise was yelling. "Damm.." Dazai said with a smirk. Yosano and dazai found it hilarious that mori was being yell at elise but
suddenly elise spotted his favorite person in the whole wide world. "Atsushi!!" Elise said as she run to hug atsushi and mori was feeling betrayed by that and you can see it on his face. Atsushi was trying so hard not to laugh at that as he hug elise. "Hello elise." Atsushi said as elise smirked and she immediately started to drab atsushi to a room and everyone was just shocked and confused at the same time.

"Elise won't hurt atsushi..she seem to like him more then me.." Mori said with a frown on his face and dazai started to laugh at that. "How does atsushi know Elise?" Chuuya ask and everyone was wondering that. Mori just sighed and went to the room as well and everyone just follows him. Atsushi was stretching and was ready to get on the aerial hoop as elise watches him and excitement because atsushi had learned something new and elise was about to see it. "I found atsushi at a orphanage and decided to take him in..I didn't adopt him or anything he's mostly here for entertainment for elise..." Mori slowly explain as atsushi get on the aerial hoop and slowly start to do something on it.

Everyone was definitely impressed by that and was shocked. "Ow..that look like it hurts.." Higuchi said and tachihara immediately agreed with her. "Atsushi wanted to how to do stuff on a aerial hoop..and elise love watching him to stuff on it..atsushi join the agency because he wanted to and he has no ties to the port mafia." Mori explain to everyone and everyone with silent and basically watching atsushi do something on the aerial hoop. "Oh..I definitely felt that.." Dazai whispered to himself, elise look so happy as she watches her favorite person doing tricks on a aerial hoop.

"I'm impressed.." Fukuzawa said, he knew nothing about it too so he was surprised. "Oh? I didn't know you guys were watching.." Atsushi said with a smile as he hangs upside down. "Wow! That was perfect!" Elise said as she walked up to atsushi and atsushi just smiled. "This is is basically dedicated to atsushi doing tricks on the aerial hoop.." Mori said, the port mafia member finally understood why they weren't allowed in this room. "That cool!!" Kenji said as atsushi giggled. "Wow..I'm honestly impressed.." Kunikida said and everyone could agree on that because it was impressive, that's for sure. Atsushi was just smiling and slowly atsushi got down and was looking at everyone.

After a while everyone was done being shocked and they start to ask many questions about it. Atsushi try this best answer all of them and atsushi was red from embarrassment. " cool.." Kyouka said with small smile and elise was so happy. "So..atsushi is basically entertainment for elise." Kouyou said to herself and atsushi just nod. "Mori pays for all my expenses and other things, he calls it payment for entertaining elise." Atsushi said with a nervous smile. "Could we watch you do other tricks on it?" Gin ask and atsushi just nodded and actually went to do a simple trick on the aerial hoop.

After a while the meeting actually began and the port Mafia and agency were in agreement. Atsushi also came by the port mafia a lot after that to show the port mafia members tricks that he can do on the aerial hoop because they were interested in it and love to watch it. The agency member also watches atsushi do tricks on the aerial hoop as well because it was so fascinating to watch. Atsushi was just having fun showing people what you can do. The president didn't care if atsushi knew the port mafia boss because atsushi isn't in the port Mafia and doesn't give any information to the port mafia boss so it was completely okay.

(random idea I got)

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