dance?//shin soukoku//

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Warning: suicide, character death.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and akutagawa were enemies but really they were actually dating but decide to hide it from everyone. Atsushi and akutagawa were both suicidal but both of them didn't know that their partner was suicidal as well until atsushi ask atsushi to commit double suicide with him. "will you commit double suicide with me?" Atsushi ask akutagawa and akutagawa book surprised by that question but then smiled slowly.

"Yes." Akutagawa said with a smile and atsushi was also smiling. "decided to steal dazai line?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi and akutagawa have slowly been planning their death together and no one noticed it because no one thought they would actually kill themselves.

The agency and port mafia were working together and we're talking about some case that was happening, when kyouka noticed atsushi and akutagawa were gone. "Where atsushi and akutagawa?" Kyouka ask everyone and no one knew what was happening until ranpo suddenly knew it all. "Oh my god..they're going to kill theirselves.." Ranpo said as be look at the tall building and atsushi amd akutagawa we're on the tall building.

Atsushi slowly took a bunch of pills because he knew when he falls, he'll still be alive. "Do you know how to dance atsushi?" Akutagawa said as he takes his hand and atsushi nodded as a no. "just follow my lead.." Akutagawa said and that what atsushi did. "What.." Chuuya said as atsushi and akutagawa start to dance with each other. Everyone was so shocked, that they didn't even realize that atsushi took a bunch of sleeping pills. Atsushi slowly got tired. "I love you." Atsushi said smiling as they keep dancing on the edge of the building.

"I love you too.." Akutagawa softly says as atsushi slowly losing consciousness and suddenly atsushi was unconscious and akutagawa just smiled as he holds atsushi in his arm. "Im sorry gin.." Akutagawa whisper as he let himself fall to the ground. Akutagawa make sure to hold atsushi the whole time and when they both hit the ground, akutagawa was still holding him.

Everyone was so shocked that they didn't even stop it and even if they tried, they wouldn't even catch both of them. "Oh..m-my gods.." Higuchi said, she couldn't believe she just watched akutagawa and atsushi fall off of a building and kill theirselves. "Dead.." Yosano slowly said as she check their pulse and there was no pulse. "Both of them are gone.." Yosano said to everyone and kyouka started to cry. 'That why...he was teaching me stuff..' Kyouka thought to herself, atsushi made sure kyouka knew how to cook and other things because he would be gone soon.

"I don't understand..why..?" Gin asked, she knew nothing about it and she just watched her brother kill himself and she didn't help at all. "Im not sure.." Ranpo said, he didn't really know why and he honestly didn't want to use his ability to find out because then he will know the truth about why his friend killed himself.

"And..i don't really want to know.." Ranpo said and mostly everyone agrees on that. No one could believe it, and slowly the bodies remove somewhere else and everyone went home because it was just so much for them. The funeral was soon planned and mostly everyone had a day off because of it. Gin did find a note, and akutagawa said he was sorry on the note and bunch of other things.

Kyouka was checked on a lot because she lives alone now because of atsushi being dead. Everyone was there at the funeral, even some of the guild members showed up for respect. Atsushi and akutagawa was happy in the afterlife, and sometimes atsushi would play a little trick on dazai because it funny. Dazai never knew who was doing it because atsushi was a ghost and no one could see him. Akutagawa found hilarious as well. "Stop playing Tricks on him.." Akutagawa said as he laughed and atsushi didn't stop at all.

Atsushi and akutagawa we're still together in the afterlife and they slowly waited for the others.

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