sick but hide it//atsushi angst?//

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-angst and fluff


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi didn't really know about being sick because no one really cared for him at the orphanage so she doesn't really noticed, when he's sick. 'Hmm..I'm a bit light-headed..' Atsushi thought to himself as he takes his temperature and he did in fact have a fever but atsushi didn't plan on resting at all so he went to work as usual. Atsushi basically thought his ability would heal it because that's what it usually did but this time it didn't.

Atsushi didn't want bother the agency at all so he just kept it a secret and it wasn't really noticeable. Atsushi which is a little slow on taking things but no one really paid attention to that, which was a good thing. Kyouka was also on a mission, that would last for a few days so that was a good thing because she would have noticed right away something was wrong so it was a good thing for atsushi. ' ability usually heals my sickness..' Atsushi thought to himself as he lay down, atsushi did not have a appetite today so he decided there's no point in eating because he just had no appetite to eat at all.

'is this what feeling sick is like?' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi ability has always heals him, which includes him being sick as well so he's never really experienced being sick before so it was a new thing to him.

Atsushi went to bed pretty early and this time he was a bit of a heavy sleeper because of him being sick. Atsushi woke up and he still didn't feel good and he felt like shit. Atsushi honestly didn't want to do anything but technically he's still at work to do so he got up and got ready for work as usual. The agency member didn't really noticing anything odd about atsushi but dazai did notice that atsushi was a bit quieter than usual but he didn't do anything about it. 'My head hurt..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi head start to hurt really bad but obviously he couldn't do anything about it, he decided to take a walk but suddenly he passed out. "Atsushi!?" Kunikida said in shocked as he watched atsushi fall to the ground.

"I think he has a fever.." Tanizaki said as he check atsushi and suddenly yosano walked into the main office and goes to the passed out boy. "someone carry him to my office." Yosano said as kenji slowly pick up atsushi and they started to walk to yosano office. "Hmm..damm..he is burning up.." Yosano said as she put her head on his forehead and atsushi was was definitely burning up so Yosano decided to check his temperature and he really did have a fever. "A fever.." Yosano said as she hooks him up to some IV fluids and atsushi was basically sleeping there peacefully. "Atsushi..have the fever and expect that he was trying to hide it from us.." Yosano said to the other members and they just nodded. They couldn't really do much right now so they had to wait until atsushi woke up.

"How..?" Atsushi said as he slowly sit up and yosano immediately went to check up on him. "You passed out" yosano softly said and atsushi just nodded. "Why didn't you say anything?" Yosano ask and atsushi just looked away. " my ability usually heals it so I don't know why it didn't heal this time and I just didn't want to be a bother.." Atsushi said and yosano had a sad smile on her face and she slowly went to hug atsushi. "you won't be a bother to us at time just tell us.." Yosano softly said to atsushi and he just nodded.  "I'll get someone to take you home and you rest until you feel better." Yosano said and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi didn't really want to fight back because yosnao is scary when she's mad so he didn't want to anger her.

Kunikida was the one to bring atsushi home, because kunikida was responsible so everything went according to plan and atsushi was back at his apartment in his bed resting just like yosano say. 'This is pretty boring..' Atsushi thought to himself as he yawn and slowly he falls asleep again. Yosano did check up on him a few times just make sure he was doing okay because apparently atsushi didn't really know what to do, when being sick so yosano kind of had to teach him some things.

Atsushi didn't really much of an appetite so he didn't eat much except for some rice but that was good enough. Atsushi mostly just laid in bed or laid on the couch all day because atsushi couldn't do much, when he's sick so it was important for him to rest. Kyouka did come back from her mission and she made sure atsushi was perfectly okay 24/7. "it's lowering down.." Kyouka said, she was checking atsushi temperature and it will slow going down, which was a good thing. Atsushi just had a small smile on his face and they enjoy dinner together.

Atsushi didn't really want kyouka taking care of him but obviously kyouka didn't take no as an answerso kyouka basically took care of the sick tiger until he was finally all better and he was able to go to work, without being sick.

(I totally speed wrote this😭so it might be terribly bad)

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