the game?//atsushi as shuichi//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi as shuichi saihara from danganronpa


(I have not actually play danganronp 3 so I'm just going off what I know and I haven't watched danganronpa in a few years.)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi never talks about what happened because it was a traumatic experience and even the agency doesn't know he was a part of that accident because he changed his identity. Atsushi was one of the students to be in the killing game and was one of the students to survive but he a lot of people died and once he was out of the game he definitely decided to change his identity because he wanted to be a different person. The agency obviously knew about this incident but they didn't know that the tiger boy was actually in the game and was one of the survivors.

Atsushi didn't really know how to tell the agency about his past or the incident but it kind of came up in the conversation. "So atsushi what happened in your past!?" Kenji said excitedly and actually everyone was curious about that because atsushi keeps his past pretty hidden. "Oh? I was in a killing game.." Atsushi casually says and then he realized what he said and everyone was shocked. "Oh shit.." Atsushi said as he looked at the agency member and they looked very surprised and shocked. "You were in the killing game?" Dazai ask and atsushi just slowly nodded.

"After..escaping I suppose, I decided to change my identity so people wouldn't recognize me.." Atsushi said as he looked down and everyone was just so shocked that they couldn't speak. "Oh..I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." Kenji said and atsushi just smile. "It perfectly okay..I mean.. I did plan on telling you guys soon, I just didn't know how." Atsushi softly said, kenji felt bad because he thought he bring up bad memories but once atsushi explained he did, kenji felt a lot about after hearing that.

Everyone was just surprised but they didn't know what to say at all. "It guys can ask questions, if you have any.." Atsushi said, atsushi kind of figured they already had questions about it but they didn't want to bring up bad memories about it. "What..was it like?" Yosano finally ask, she was wondering what it was like. "Uh..traumatizing that's for sure but it was kind you were fighting for your life I suppose..the only way to escape alive was killing people.." Atsushi try to explain, atsushi didn't really know how to describe it because it was kind of a lot and yosano just nodded.

"we went to trials..and we would have to find out who killed the person.." Atsushi explain, everyone was just listening. "It..was kind of like being a detective I suppose.." Atsushi finally said and the other were surprised because atsushi is technically a detective. "But...why did you decide to become a detective though? Wouldn't you not after going through that?" Tanizaki ask and atsushi just nodded. "at first I didn't want to become detective but I decided I wanted to help people and make sure no one went to that so that's why." Atsushi explain and it made a lot of sense to everyone and everyone was just shocked but also they respected atsushi more because of that.

"we basically had everything else food, water, bed and other things.." Atsushi said to the agency, the agency obviously knew about the internet but they didn't know much because they couldn't get much out of the three people that survived because they were pretty traumatized because they basically watched a bunch of people die. "Wow.." Kyouka said as she hug atsushi and atsushi just smile. Atsushi actually felt a lot better about talking about this so maybe it was a good thing that kenji ask about his past.

The agency member didn't have any more questions so they kind of just went on their day and they kind of just didn't bring it up because they didn't want to bring up bad memories and atsushi sometimes talk to yosnao about it because she also qualified to be a therapist as well so it's a good thing to talk about your traumatic experience, if you're ready to talk about it.

(This is my last request i will be doing on on this oneshots!)

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