the book//byakko and atsushi//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi is(related to)the book

Warning: mention of suicide(dazai)

(this was inspired by ao3 story)

(The book by Ventisimp_11 if you were wondering or want to read it!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi walked into the office. He had an off feeling about today, which he found was strange. Atsushi didn't really feel any different and nothing else was different so he didn't know why he felt something was wrong but something was really wrong but he didn't know what. Everything's seem normal in the agency, Dazais suicide attempts, Kunikidas shouting, ranpos eating snacks, everything was normal but the feeling just kept staying there.

Atsushi was doing his work and everything was going okay but suddenly atsushi head was throb. Atsushi slowly put his hand on his head and wondered why he was getting a headache now because everything seemed normal to him. 'Maybe I'm working too much, I should take a break...' Atsushi thoughts to himself as he get up suddenly the headache got worse and everyone seemed to know something was wrong with atsushi.

"Atsushi?" Kyouka said in a worried voice as atsushi hold on to the table because his head was really hurting that bad. 'What wrong..everyone else is fine..wait..the book..' Atsushi thoughts to himself, atsushi realize that there might be something wrong with the book and before he can even check, he felt a sudden pain. Atsushi immediately fell to the ground screaming in pain and everyone else looked shocked and was trying to figure out why atsushi was yelling in pain.

Kunikida and dazai we're in the cafe, when they heard the scream, and they immediately went to check what was going on. "What happened?!" Kunikida said as they make it to the door and they saw a worried tanizaki and naomi. "something is wrong with atsushi.." Naomi said in shocked as dazai finally looked at atsushi, Dazai and kunikida both of horrified by the site.

Atsushi was screaming, crying, wailing on the floor in what looked like unimaginable pain. Some papers were on the floor from him falling and the president was in the room, most likely from hearing the ruckus. Fukuzawa looked very confused and worried because his employee was screaming in pain and he couldn't do anything to help him. Atsushi was just screaming to make it stop and yosano try to comfort him the best she could but she didn't know why he was screaming in pain. Suddenly atsushi passed out from the excruciating exhaustion that came with whatever that was.

The room was deadly silent, everyone was stunned. "What..just happened..?" Kenji finally ask, the silence was finally broken and ranpo didn't even know what was happening and he looked very shocked. "I...have no idea but I guess we're going to have to find out one way.." Ranpo manages to say out loud as yosano slowly pick up atsushi and put them on the couch for now.

Atsushi was surrounded by darkness and was looking around looking for byakko. "Byakko?" Atsushi call out, hoping to hear something but he heard nothing. Atsushi wasn't sure what just happened but slowly he started to walk around but he wasn't sure where he was walking at because it was completely darkness. "Byakko?" Atsushi said again, and immediately he saw the tiger laying on the ground and atsushi immediately rushed to byakko. 'Looked like Byakko felt it as well..' Atsushi thought to himself, byakko obviously felt the pain as well because both atsushi and byakko are connected so they both would feel it.

"What..happened?" Atsushi ask byakko as byakko slowly lap her tiger head on atsushi lap. "someone… someone took a page out of the book." Byakko manages to say and atsushi look shocked and couldn't believe it. "So..that's why we felt the pain, it was the page getting ripped out.." Atsushi finally said as he slowly pet byakko fur and byakko just lay there. The book is connected to both atsushi and byakko so it obviously makes sense that they felt the pain but now the question was who ripped the page out of the book. 'Looked like Byakko passed out from the pain..' Atsushi thought to himself, byakko was still laying her tiger head on atsushi lap and soon atsushi passed out as well from exhaustion.

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