royalty//atsushi is a king?//

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-fluff and angst.

-au-atsushi is the king and kyouka is atsushi protector.

Warning: mention of suicide(dazai)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi wasn't any normal boy because he was a king and rules over a kingdom. Atsushi wasn't always King though, his parents were king and queen and live together and ruled over the kingdom but sadly they were killed in a fight and atsushi became a king at a young age. Atsushi didn't understand anything at first because he was only just a little kid but soon he got used to it and that's how he lived his life. Atsushi was walking out in his garden one day, when he saw a little girl injured.

"Hello.." Atsushi softly says to the little girl and the little girl was kyouka. "you look injured, how about I help you?" Atsushi softly said as he holds out his hand for the little girl to take and slowly kyouka took the hand and they started walking back into the castle. Kyouka parents were assassinated and kyouka mom transferred her ability to kyouk cell phones to protect kyouka, so she was now all alone. Atsushi felt sorry for the little girl so he decided she could stay with him. Kyouka was surprised to hear that because atsushi was the king but she didn't argue at all.

Kyouka soon got older and understood a lot of things and started to protect atsushi because she wanted to repay atsushi for his kindness but also kyouka care about atsushi a lot so she wants to make sure atsushi was okay. Atsushi wasn't too sure about that because kyouka was only 14 but kyouka didnt listen at all and atsushi finally just agreed with it. Atsushi kingdom is right next to yokohama and they're both in peace and have great contact with each other. "I you want me to be a normal person in Yokohama for a while..?" Atsushi ask the government of Yokohama and they just nodded. Atsushi actually didn't really care about why, they wanted this he was just happy to be a normal person for once and actually lives like other people.

Atsushi obviously agreed and of course kyouka was with atsushi the whole time. "Are you sure about this?" Kyouka ask atsushi and he just nodded. Kyouka obviously couldn't argue with atsushi so she just agreed to it as well. It wasn't a bad idea and atsushi honestly just wanted to live like other people because he basically lives in a castle and not an actual house so it was pretty exciting for atsushi. Kyouka didn't have any complaint about it because if atsushi was happy, she was also happy but she was a bit excited as well.

"Wow.." Atsushi said to himself as both kyouka and atsushi walk by a river and atsushi see dazai trying to kill himself but obviously atsushi try to save them but obviously dazai didn't want to be saved. "Dazai!" Kunikida said as he starts to yell at dazai and atsushi and kyouka looked very confused and were a bit weirded out by it but they didn't question it because that would seem rude. 'Weird..' Kyouka thoughts to herself as she grab onto atsushi hand and atsushi just smile at kyouka.

Dazai some reason offered both atsushi and kyouka a job and they accepted it and obviously got into agency. Everyone was impressed by atsushi ability because they never seen a tiger ability before and atsushi was just embarrassed to be honest but was also happy to get a job because he's never had a job before. "welcome to the agency..atsushi and kyouka." Fukuzawa said with a small smile and atsushi just smile as dazai randomly hugs atsushi and kyouka just glare at him. Everyone obviously introduced themselves because both atsushi and kyouka didn't know their names at all but soon they did know.

"at least now we blend in with people." Kyouka said to atsushi as they walk into their apartment and atsushi just smile and nod in agreement. No one in the agency knew about atsushi being a king, and ranpo didn't even try to find that out because he wouldn't think that was true and he was too lazy anyways so both atsushi and kyouka didn't have to worry that much about that but they still worried a lot but no one recognize them at all.

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