Secret//atsushi and ango//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi is the bartender at lupin.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi is a simple bartender working at lupin but he secretly works with ango. Atsushi can turn into a tiger so he also has greater senses than other humans so that why ango wanted to work with atsushi. "Hello atsushi." Ango said as he sit down and atsushi already knew what drink he wanted so he gave him the drink.

"Atsushi..I want to ask you something." Ango said and atsushi just nodded and waited for the question. "Can we work with each other?" Ango suddenly ask and atsushi look confused until ango explain everything. "I see..will I get paid to do it?" Atsushi ask, ango obviously nodded. "Alright then..I'll do it." Atsushi said with a smile and both ango and atsushi shakes hands on that.

Atsushi didn't care about pissing off organizations as long as he gets paid to do it, he's all right with it. Atsushi obviously kept it a secret and dazai never knew, "why are you and ango so close now!?" Dazai said, atsushi just laugh and pat dazai head. "we just have some things in common, we talk about." Atsushi said with a innocent smile, and dazai believe that. Dazai already knew about ango being a the traitor but he didn't think atsushi would be a traitor m

Atsushi was basically a spy and could easily get information from any organization except for one the agency. "So..I have to join the agency to get more information on them?" Atsushi ask ango and he just nodded. "Doesn't dazai work in the agency now won't he noticed?" Atsushi question, and that was true, after dazai leaving the port Mafia, he joined the agency.

"It will be alright..I promise.." Ango said with a smirk and atsushi just hoped his plan would actually work and it actually did work. Atsushi just has to get information about agency that's all, which was a bit hard now because of dazai but atsushi knew lot of things about dazai. "Oh shit.." Atsushi said in shocked, dazai went to hug atsushi but it startled atsushi so he accidentally threw dazai on the floor. "Ow..what the fuck!?" Dazai said, atsushi just laugh a bit.

"Sorry..I thought you were going to attack me, just a reflex I have." Atsushi said with a nervous smile. The agency member were shocked and surprised by that. "I was a bartender working with drunk people..I obviously had to know some type of self-defense.." Atsushi explain to everyone and it was true. Atsushi obviously knew how to do self-defense to work at the bartender because he would be with around the port Mafia sometimes too.

The agency member were really impressed by that, and no one knew about atsushi being the traitor until dazai accidentally found out but that didn't matter because atsushi was going to reveal himself soon anyways.

The other agency member didn't even know about it and atsushi actually saved kyouka from the port mafia so no one would expect him to be the traitor. The agency member were investigating a scene, "a traitor?" Kunikida said in confusion, and atsushi slowly smiled. "there's a traitor?" Kenji ask and atsushi just smirked. "Yea..there is a traitor..I'm actually the traitor.." Atsushi softly says to everyone and dazai didn't react at all.

"Bye-bye!" Atsushi said with a smile as set off a smoke flare and ran away. The agency couldn't catch him at all and mostly everyone was still in shock. Atsushi was now working with ango and it was pretty peaceful unlike the agency. Atsushi didn't do much and mostly sat there, because atsushi does he work at night.

"Atsushi.." Kyouka said as she walked out of the Shadows and atsushi look at her with a smile. "Yes?" Atsushi said as kyouka walked up to atsushi, "..can I work with you?" Kyouka ask, the only reason kyouka join the agency was because of atsushi but now he was gone. Atsushi was kyouka light and she would always follow the light, and atsushi was alright with it.

Ango didn't have a problem with kyouka joined, atsushi was very happy about it. The agency couldn't do anything to stop her from leaving so kyouka left the agency and now work with atsushi and ango. The port mafia didn't really care at all because it didn't affect them yet.

(😔i think I mess this request up? But I'm not sure tbh)

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