insomnia//atsushi and ???//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi was chosen to join the port Mafia and has insomnia

Warning: mention of sleeping medication.

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

After the battle with fukuchi, the agreement was that mori could choose a member from the agency to join the port Mafia and the member was atsushi. Atsushi was definitely shocked to hear that but obviously couldn't argue at all. Akutagawa and gin decided to let atsushi stay with them as a thanks for helping akutagawa.

Tachihara was also staying with akutagawa and gin because he's technically blind and can't see shit. Atsushi already knew that and atsushi didn't think he would even see tachihara but he did one night. "Hello?" Tachihara said as he walked into the living room and atsushi was doing something. "It me." Atsushi said, tachihara didn't think atsushi would be awake at night but he was. "Why are you up?" Tachihara ask as he sit down, "can't sleep..I have insomnia." Atsushi calmly said to tachihara, atsushi always had insomnia, since he could remember.

Tachihara look surprised, he didn't think atsushi would actually have insomnia. "..I had insomnia since I could the orphanage, I wasn't allowed to sleep.." Atsushi explain to tachihara and tachihara felt sorry for atsushi. Akutagawa and gin were also awake and heard everything, and they felt sorry for atsushi too. "I have gotten used to it and I basically work around it, that's why I'm always awake at night." Atsushi said, atsushi is always active at night now because he can't sleep at night so he has to wait until he's tired, which is usually in the daytime.

"Does the agency know about it?" Akutagawa finally asked as he walked into the living room with his sister right next to him. "Nope..never told them.." Atsushi said as he finally finished the work that he wanted to get done. "I will probably go to sleep tomorrow.." Atsushi said, atsushi wasn't really sure when, he will actually fall asleep. "..I mean it not a bad thing..we usually have missions at night so I guess it's a good thing for you.." Akutagawa said, sometimes the missions in the day but sometimes it's in the night.

"..could you read to me then?" Tachihara suddenly ask, tachihara obviously can't see anymore so someone has to read to him and atsushi was fine with that. Atsushi like to read anyways so it wasn't a problem from to read to someone but he didn't expect akutagawa, gin and tachihara to around him and sleeping peacefully. "they honestly look like little kids when sleeping.." Atsushi said as takes a picture of them. Atsushi soon went back to reading because he wasn't sleeping anytime soon.

Gin woke up first and atsushi making breakfast, akutagawa was still sleeping. "You guys fell asleep right next to me and you were just too cute I couldn't move you.." Atsushi said with a smirk and gin immediately turn bright red from embarrassment. "Can someone help me up?" Tachihara asked, and gin went to help him get up. Akutagawa was still sleeping so gin woke him up for breakfast. "are you still not tired?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi just nodded.

The agency felt so empty without atsushi and kyouka was just alone because she didn't have atsushi. "How about you visit the agency today?" Gin suggested to atsushi, "maybe yosano could help you with that insomnia as well.." Akutagawa whispers and atsushi glare at akutagawa, but atsushi was thinking about it that's for sure. "Oh! Maybe you could bring tachihara so he won't be alone.." Gin said, akutagawa and gin had a mission so they would be gone and tachihara would be alone again and gin felt bad for leaving tachihara alone so atsushi was alright with that.

Tachihara was really red but agreed to it. Akutagawa and gin finally left for the mission and tachihara and atsushi were alone together. "seriously, you should do something about the insomnia though." Tachihara said, atsushi just laugh a bit. Atsushi wasn't sure how to bring up the insomnia to the agency and he wasn't even working there anymore so would they even help him. "I don't know..the agency probably won't help me anyway, I don't work there anymore." Atsushi said with a sad smile, tachihara couldn't see the smile but he definitely felt the sad smile.

"I'm sure, they will still help you." Tachihara said as he grabbed atsushi hand and tachihara started to drag atsushi outside. "you have to help me walk though..because I can't see.." Tachihara said with a smile and atsushi took his hand and they slowly walked to the agency. "Soft..hand.." Tachihara said with a smirk and atsushi immediately turned bright red.

Tachihara was smirking the whole time as they walk to the agency and soon they finally made it. The agency member looked surprised to see atsushi and tachihara but kyouka immediately went to hug atsushi. "Hello kyouka.." Atsushi said with a smile and tachihara just stand there. "Atsushi..apparently has insomnia and akutagawa thought maybe yosano could help with that.." Tachihara explain to everyone and they look surprised to hear that.

"So..that why you're always up at night.." Kyouka said and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi didn't say anything and just stand there, not sure on what to do. "Alright..I can definitely help." Yosano said and tachihara was actually happy to hear that. "Oh..I can't leave tachihara alone.." Atsushi said because he didn't want to be beaten by akutagawa siblings because he left tachihara alone so tachihara was in yosano office as well.

Yosano was looking around for some, when she finally found it. "Most member don't have trouble sleeping so sleeping medication is not used often." Yosano said with a smile as she looked at the medication to make sure it was good to use. "Why didn't you say anything before?" Yosano asked, she looked very worried and atsushi explain why and yosano was now hugging him. "Make sure to take them." Yosano said, as she gives atsushi the sleeping medication. "Don't, gin and akutagawa will definitely make sure of that!" Tachihara said and yosano was very happy to hear that.

After a while atsushi and tachihara left and the akutagawa siblings and tachihara made sure atsushi took the sleeping pill and actually went to sleep. The akutagawa siblings and tachihara also fell asleep in the room as well so they're all sleeping together like one big happy family.

(🧍‍♀️i actually have insomnia so I'm usually up at night and mostly do stuff at night😭)

(🤷‍♀️i can imagine that atsushi has insomnia so)

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