dancing competition//atsushi win?/

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-fluff and a bit of angst.

-au-atsushi likes to dance

Warning: mention of abuse, mention of suicide(dazai).

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi always love to dance, atsushi was a natural at dancing and everyone at the orphanage would love to see him dance but the Headmaster hated atsushi because he had an ability and he was considered a monster because of that ability but it certainly didn't stop atsushi from dancing and atsushi would dance by the any chance he could get. Atsushi would basically dance in the basement because he wasn't allowed anywhere else. Atsushi never really knew why he wanted to dance but he just love doing it and it brung him joy to do it.

The Headmaster couldn't stop him, the Headmaster would beat him each day but it never stopped atsushi from dancing and soon the headmaster didn't give a fuck anymore. Atsushi never really wanted to be a full-time dancer thoughs, he just wanted to dance for fun. Atsushi was soon kicked out of the orphanage because he was 18 and technically adult now. Atsushi was wondering the streets when he found dazai trying to kill himself again and atsushi went to save him.

Atsushi soon realize that dazai and kunikida were looking for him because of the tiger and atsushi was soon able to join the agency. The agency member welcome him with open arms and they felt like family to him but atsushi never told them, he could dance because it didn't seem really that important for them to know. Atsushi had his own apartment so he would dance in the living room because it was fun to do that and kyouka would soon watch atsushi dance because atsushi save her and kyouka live with atsushi.

Atsushi was great at dancing and kyouka encouraged him to dance more. One day atsushi was looking on his computer for something and stumble upon a dance competition. 'Oh? ..what if..' Atsushi thoughts to himself, atsushi really just wanted to have fun and it seemed like a good thing to do so he signed up and soon was going to compete in the dancing competition. Atsushi obviously told kyouka about it because she was obviously going to find out. "Really? I'll make suure to be there!" Kyouka said in excitement, kyouka was happy for atsushi and couldn't wait to see him on stage.

atsushi wasn't really going to do it for the money, he could win money if he wins but he just wanted to do it for fun. Atsushi slowly prepared but there was one problem, he would have to miss work so he's going to have to tell someone and he decided to tell the president. "I decided to join a dancing competition for fun because I like to dance but I will miss work for it.." Atsushi explain as he looks away and fukuzawa looks surprised but then smiles. "I see..I'm sure you win the competition.." Fukuzawa softly says with a smile as he drinks his tea and atsushi look surprised but then smiles as well.

Fukuzawa was happy that atsushi was doing something that he loved wasn't going to stop him at all. "Kyouka will be here..so she might miss work as well.." Atsushi says with the nervous smile and fukuzawa just nod. Atsushi soon went back to work and fukuzawa just smiled the whole time. 'I'm sure you will definitely win the competition..' Fukuzawa thoughts to himself as he watches atsushi walk out of his office. No one an agency knew about the competition because atsushi was honestly a bit embarrassed to even tell them and ranpo was too lazy to find out.

Atsushi would practice each day and soon he was about to be on the stage and danced in front of many people. Atsushi was obviously very nervous but atsushi slowly breathe in and out and starts to dance. Atsushi dancing was pretty smooth and everyone was just watching in shock. Kyouka was smiling the whole time as atsushi slowly danced and everyone was almost hypnotized by it in a way because it was so good. 'Wow..so perfect..' Kyouka thoughts to herself, she was watching the whole time and didn't dare to look away.

Atsushi dancing was perfect and everyone was loving it. Atsushi was honestly proud of himself, and slowly his dance came to end any slowly into the back. Atsushi was just nervous again because he wonder if he would actually win and he didn't think he would to be honest. '..I hope people like it..' Atsushi thoughts to himself as drinks a bunch of water because he was really thirsty and atsushi waited patiently for the other people to be done. Atsushi was waiting for the results of the winners of the contest and suddenly atsushi was in first place.

Atsushi looked very shocked and couldn't believe it and he wanted to cry right there but he didn't. Atsushi obviously got a trophy and around thousands dollars and atsushi was just so shocked and couldn't speak at all. Kyouka was happy for her brother and she looked so proud. After a while atsushi finally walked out with trophy and his money and kyouka immediately went to hug him. "it was so perfect!! You did a great job!!" Kyouka said with a big smile and atsushi just laughed nervously because he didn't know what to think about that at all.

"I can't believe I won though.." Atsushi softly says as a walk to the agency building and Fukuzawa patiently waited for them return and everyone was just confused. "I wonder why he waiting.." Naomi said to her brother and he just nod in agreement. Fukuzawa was in the main office and was just staring at the door waiting for it to open. Fukuzawa usually doesn't stay at the main office so it was pretty unusual and everyone was just staring at him the whole time. "Do you know why the president is in the main office?" Kenji ask yosano and she nodded as a no. She looked very confused, everyone looked confused and ranpo was too lazy to use his ability to find out why the president was in the main office.

Suddenly the door opened and atsushi and kyouka walked in, Atsushi was pretty red in the face and kyouka was smiling. "He won!" Kyouka proudly says to the president and Fukuzawa just smile. "I told you you would win." Fukuzawa softly says as he give atsushi some head pat and everyone looks confused until naomi noticed the trophy in atsushi arm. "No way!! You competed in a dance competition and won!!" Naomi said in shocked and everyone else immediately look shocked because they weren't expecting that. Atsushi slowly nodded confirming that was in fact true.

"I always love to dance..and I thought it would be fun to try a competition, I didn't think I would win actually..." Atsushi explain to everyone as he smiles nervously. "Wow.." Tanizaki said in shocked as dazai grab atsushi and starts to shake him. " why didn't you tell me!? I would love to see you dance!!" Dazai said, he was upset because he wasn't invited to watch atsushi dance and atsushi didn't tell him at all. "Yes!! I would love to also see you then as well!" Yosano said, everyone basically want to see atsushi dance.

"I was just nervous to tell you guys I suppose.." Atsushi said as he blushes more but he was happy to hear that the agency didn't think badly about him because he dances. "congratulations on winning.." Kunikida said with a small smile, atsushi just blushes more. "we should celebrate!!" Ranpo suddenly said and everyone immediately agrees to that. Atsushi didn't think it was important to celebrate it but everyone else did so they celebrated the victory of atsushi winning a dance competition. Atsushi was happy the whole time as a party went on and everyone was so proud of winning the competition, Atsushi definitely had fun at the party though.

"that was a lot of chaos.." Atsushi said as both kyouka and atsushi finally walk into the apartment. "everyone just want to celebrate your victory of winning.." Kyouka softly says as she play with atsushi soft hair and atsushi slowly fell asleep right next to kyouka and kyouka just smile. "Good night atsushi.." Kyouka suddenly said as she yawned and slowly fell asleep right next to atsushi because she was too lazy to move.

Atsushi decided to keep dancing because he really love to dance and no one stopped him from doing that. The port mafia members actually  found out by accident that atsushi dance and honestly they were impressed by it and even some of the port mafia members respected atsushi more because of that. Atsushi was just having fun and that's all that matters to him and everyone else. Atsushi also kept winning a lot of money because of it so he finally got a house and was really proud of himself.

The agency would sometimes watch him perform on stage because they wanted support him and atsushi was just happy to see them and even some of the port mafia member went to watch him perform on the contest because he was honestly really great and the call mafia members were impressed. Atsushi found out a bit hilarious in a way but didn't do anything about it. Atsushi was just happy about it and that all that matters to him.

( random idea I got I suppose)

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