BFFs//atsushi and gin//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi and gin are bffs.



Not canon reaction
Third person pov

atsushi and gin became unexpected friends one day, atsushi was a cafe that's only open at night and gin was also there as well. "you're the were-tiger.." Gin softly said as she sit down and atsushi just nodded. Gin and atsushi have obviously met before but they never really talked to each other so they didn't know much about each other. "nice to see you're doing well." Gin said and atsushi looked surprised but doesn't question it for now.

Atsushi and gin just kept talking to each other and ever since that day they became best friends. Atsushi and Gin with gossip about their co-workers or other things. No one knew about the friendship because no one expected it so no one would guess it so that was a good thing. "So..when will you finally ask my brother out?" Gin ask with a smirk and atsushi raises one of his eyebrow. "When will you ask higuchi out?" Atsushi ask and gin didn't say anything at all. "But seriously thought.. it's quite obvious that you like him and it's obvious that he likes you as well so just ask him out for once!!" Gin said, atsushi didn't say anything at all.

It was true, atsushi did in face love gin brother and it was also obvious that akutagawa like atsushi. "I'll do it when I'm ready.." Atsushi said as he drinks his tea and gin just smirks. "I heard that we'll be working with you guys.." Atsushi suddenly said and gin just nodded in agreement because she also heard about it. "they might find out about our friendship.." Gin said, it could be a possibility that they find out about their friendship. "they might but we're not sharing any private information about organizations so we might be fine.." Atsushi said, they never shared anything about their private information about their organizations, they were just two best friends that talk about anything except for work related things.

"That true..but we will never know how they react.." Gin said and atsushi just nodded. There could be a chance that they would have stopped their friendship because of their work but they weren't entirely 100% sure so they'll just have to wait and see. "I wonder how we got away with not going to school..I mean don't you have to graduate high school to able to get a job?" Atsushi said, technically you have to get some type of degree even if it's just a high school degree  you have to have a degree to get a job so it confused atsushi because he's never been into a school in his llifetime

"I mean..the port mafia doesn't care about that at all..and I'm not sure, why the agency allows it.." Gin said, it was very obvious that the port mafia didn't care if you went to school but it was a bit odd for the agency because they technically work in the government. Atsushi was now very curious about that because it didn't make much sense and gin also wondered the same thing as well. "then yet again the government isn't exactly great at things.." Gin said, the government was basically shit in yokohama, atsushi just nodded in agreement. "I should ask kunikida about it.." Atsushi said as gin pay for their drinks and they start to walk outside. "why don't you stay at my house tonight? Maybe you can finally confess to my brother." Gin said with a smile and atsushi look so tired but he nodded.

Akutagawa was still awake so he was confused, when he saw atsushi in his house. "Atsushi is staying the night!" Gin said and akutagawa just looks at atsushi in confusion. "Me and gin are friends.." Atsushi said with a nervous smile, akutagawa looked surprised because he didn't expect atsushi to be gin friend, that she was talking about. "you'll be sleeping in our guest bedroom.." Gin softly said and atsushi just nodded. Everyone was already tired so they just went to bed. Atsushi was very surprised that akutagawa did try to kill him but akutagawa seems very calm. "Don't you dare hurt my sister.." Akutagawa said as atsushi walked into the kitchen, akutagawa was fine with atsushi being friend with his sister but he didn't want gin to get hurt.

"even if I tried to hurt your sister..gin would kill me first.." Atsushi said, and akutagawa just smiled at that. Gin was very strong, you don't have to have an ability to be strong. "..I like you.." Atsushi suddenly said and akutagawa looked surprised but he was very happy to hear that because he love atsushi. "I like you too.." Akutagawa said as he pulled atsushi into a kiss and gin just smirk. "you planned all of this, didn't you?" Atsushi said as he look at his best friends and gin just Smiles at them. "Maybe.." Gin said as she grab some coffee and atsushi just sighed.

Gin was perfect fine with atsushi dating her brother and it didn't change the Friendship at all, they were still best friends, and lucky enough no one found out about that at all. Atsushi could easily keep two secrets and no one would expect it at all so it was pretty easy to keep a secret. Gin and akutagawa also don't talk about their private life to the port mafia members so no one expected them to say anything so that was a good thing as well. "you better confess to her.." Atsushi said as he glare at gin and gin just looked away. Gin maybe an assassin but she was very nervous to even ask someone out.

"Also..I never got answer from kunikida about the school thing.." Atsushi said with a frown and gin just laugh. Atsushi really did want to know the answer to that but even kunikida didn't even know the answer to that. Atsushi was staying at akutagawa house because he best friend with gin and he dating akutagawa. Akutagawa was peacefully sleeping on atsushi lap as atsushi and gin talk about anything. They really did have a great friendship and lucky enough no one found out at all.

Gin also finally confessed her feelings to higuchi and now they're together and atsushi is happy about that. Higuchi doesn't know about gin and atsushi being friends because atsushi thinks higuchi is not ready to know that.

(😭 I honestly wasn't sure on what to do sorry!!)

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