cannibal//atsushi eat ??//

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-au-atsushi is in the port mafia and is a cannibal.

Warning: cannibal, abuse.

(🤷‍♀️the request just say to make a cannibal atsushi so i add the him to the port mafia)

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi use to live in a orphanage but atsushi was always in a cage because he was a monster. Atsushi would be in starved, beaten and, many other things. The Headmaster forgot to lock the cage again and atsushi was hungry and desperate to eat so he decided to eat the headmaster.

Atsushi is technically half tiger so eating a human wouldn't affect them at all. Atsushi didn't care if the Headmaster was human, the his master did a lot of things to him so this was just revenge in a way. The port mafia boss saw all of this and looked very excited, "would you like to join the port mafia..?" Mori said as he holds out his hand to atsushi and atsushi slowly took it.

Mori seem to interested in what atsushi could do, when atsushi was given normal food. It tasted disgusting to him. "I don't want disgusting." Atsushi said to mori, and mori look happy to hear that. "Oh? How about some humans?" Mori quietly says as he give atsushi a human arm and atsushi actually ate it like food. 'So different..' Mori thought to himself, he never seen someone eat humans before.

"..I heard you can turn into a tiger is it true?" Mori ask and atsushi just nodded. "Alright..atsushi..welcomes to the port mafia..I'll be training you from now on and you'll get all the humans you can eat.." Mori said, mori wasn't going to stop atsushi from eating humans, mori found that pretty interesting and atsushi didn't seem to care.

Everyone at the orphanage made out atsushi to be a monster so, he just become the monster. The other port mafia member couldn't stop atsushi either, but they obviously had some few questions about it. "So you can eat humans..normally and it won't hurt you?" Chuuya asked, and atsushi slowly nodded. Chuuya found it disgusting but also pretty impressive in a way. ' not his fault..they made him out to be a monster so he became the monster.' Chuuya thought to himself, even though atsushi ate humans. Atsushi was still a pretty sweet and kind to everyone unless he mad.

Today dazai and kunikida were captured by the port Mafia and atsushi was watching them. 'Hmm..I'm hungry..' Atsushi thought to himself as mori walked down into the basement and was dragging a body. "Atsushi!" Mori said with a smile as he hugs his favorite person. "Yes?" Atsushi answer back, "make sure they don't escape.." Mori said as he pat atsushi head and walked away. Both kunikida and dazai looked very confused as atsushi grab the body and put it on the table. "This might be disgusting to you.." atsushi said to the two agency member, as atsushi rips the arm off of the body and starts to eat it.

"'re the boy that mori talk about..the one that actually eats humans.." Dazai said with a smirk and kunikida honestly just looks away. "Yup..human disgusting to me so I eat humans..because I'm half tiger it doesn't hurt me or anything.." Atsushi explain and kunikida was honestly really disgusted by that and it didn't shock atsushi a lot. "if you're going to throw up at least let me know, I don't want you to throw up on the floor to be honest.." Atsushi said to  both of them and they just nodded.

"you must have fuck up childhood.." Kunikida finally said, "yea..I did.." Atsushi answer, atsushi his childhood didn't bother him anymore. "Everyone probably has some type of bad childhood, that's how we all end up in the port Mafia.." Atsushi softly says, atsushi didn't know about the other member past but they were probably somewhat fucked up too because a normal person wouldn't go to the port mafia and join it.

"I'm bored.." Dazai said, atsushi actually agreed with him. "So dazai, why did you join the agency?" Atsushi ask, atsushi was kept secret for a while until dazai left the port mafia. "Someone told me to be a good person." Dazai said with a smile and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi didn't really like the silence but couldn't do anything about it until kyouka and higuchi walk down into the basement. "It time to go home atsushi.." Kyouka said as she walked to atsushi, "I'll be watching them now." Higuchi said and atsushi just nodded and kyouka and atsushi start to walk away.

"how was your day?" Atsushi ask kyouka, "it was great." Kyouka said with a smile, atsushi was the one to find kyouka and decide to train her. Kyouka hate living alone so atsushi live with her and atsushi also hates being alone so it both worked out for them. Kyouka doesn't seem to care about atsushi being a cannibal, kyouka only see atsushi as her brother.

"Can we go shopping tomorrow?" Kyouka ask and atsushi just nodded as they walk into their house. Atsushi was very tired so he went to bed and kyouka mostly just relax until she was tired.

Atsushi is perfectly okay with this life, he doesn't see a problem with eating people.

(😭i wasn't sure on what to do so I made something up)

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