shopping//atsushi and ????//

368 11 14



Warning: pedophilia?

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi got a mission, which wasn't unusual but the mission was uunusual. Atsushi was assigned to help a senior citizen with shopping and Atsushi was very confused because he never got a mission like that before. Atsushi slowly walk to the coordinates and immediately notice mori and elise. "Fuck.." Atsushi whispers to himself as he walks up to them and mori immediately smiles and Elias immediately hug atsushi.

"I'm here to help you with your shopping apparently?" Atsushi ask and mori just nodded. "why couldn't you get your members to help you?" Atsushi ask, atsushi was wondering why he had to do this and why couldn't the port mafia members do it. "Because elise like you more then the other." Mori softly says with a smile on his face and Atsushi just nodded. 'Great..I'm definitely going to get kidnapped by the port mafia boss but I guess I ain't that bad because I probably will get anything I want..' Atsushi thought to himself as elise finally let go of atsushi and immediately started to walk somewhere.

Mori just smile and follow elise and obviously atsushi also followed behind. Atsushi didn't really know what to say so he didn't say anything and just followed elise. The first shop was a clothes store and elise look around, "would you like anything atsushi?" Mori ask and atsushi look surprised because he didn't expect to port mafia boss to ask him that. Atsushi was thinking about it, Atsushi didn't really have a problem wearing women's clothes at all but he was pretty skeptical because mori ask him. "these clothes are too small for him anyways! But Atsushi would definitely look good in dress." Elise said with a smirk and atsushi just had a bad feeling about all that.

"I suppose you're right elise..these clothes are too small for him." Mori softly says to elise and atsushi didnt say anything. 'I can already imagine it..mori forcing me wearing a dress, damm..why am i thinking about this?' Atsushi thought to himself as elise finally picks out a few dresses and they went to the next store. Mori of course kept asking if atsushi wanted anything and Atsushi was just surprised he even asked. "I won't have to pay you back, right?" Atsushi ask mori and mori just smile and nod as a no. "Of course're too pretty for me to do that.." Mori softly says and Atsushi didn't say anything. 'Great..he thinks I'm pretty and now I'm definitely going to get kidnapped.' Atsushi thought to himself as he looks at the candy aisle, they were in a candy store because elise has a sweet tooth, and Atsushi just pick up a bag of lollipops because he really loves lollipops and mori was happy to buy them for him.

Atsushi walks out with a bag of lollipops and he's happy about that. "It almost lunch time.." Mori said to elise and they suddenly run into ranpo and fukuzawa. "Oh? Mori.." Fukuzawa said in shocked and mori just smile again. "I was assigned a mission to help them, I suppose." Atsushi said to the president and he just nods. Elise just looked at ranpo and fukuzawa and didn't say anything. "How about we all grab lunch together?" Mori ask and it wasn't a bad idea so fukuzawa agreed and ranpo was just happy to get free lunch from someone and Atsushi was just happy to even get lunch. Elise was fine with that and basically sit by the atsushi. Atsushi didn't really know why elise like him but he didn't question it because it might be a good thing for him because then he won't be killed by the port mafia members.

'Ah yes..I'm definitely going to get kidnapped..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looks at the menu and everyone is just silent. "Atsushi did mori get you the bag of lollipops?" Ranpo ask, ranpo obviously already knew but wanted to say it out loud and Atsushi just nodded. "Yea..mori kept asking if I wanted anything.." Atsushi calmly says as Fukuzawa glare at mori. "is the least I can do, I mean you are helping us shopping." Mori softly says and fukuzawa just noticed the softness in his voice. 'God he taking a liking to atsushi?' Fukuzawa thought to himself as they finally ordered some lunch and Elise obviously got a strawberry shortcake.

Atsushi just got some tea on rice cuz it's his favorite, and was enjoying his lunch as usual and didn't pay attention to mori or Fukuzawa. Fukuzawa was just glaring at mori the whole time and ranpo didn't really mind it and did nothing to stop it at all. Elise was just enjoying the strawberry shortcake and pay no attention to the men. " we should go shopping again atsushi!" Elise said with a big smile and Atsushi just nodded in agreement. Elise basically took a liking to atsushi because he was definitely different than the others and if elise wanted atsushi then elise would get atsushi.

Fukuzawa slowly glare at elise as well and ranpo looks very serious for a moment but then went back to his usual self and eating his sweets. Mori obviously pay for lunch because he suggested it in the first place and still went shopping together because fukuzawa didn't trust mori with atsushi at all. Elise pay no attention to them at all and just started to shop with atsushi, while mori and fukuzawa just watched and ranpo also just watch because he wasn't into clothes but candy.

Atsushi was enjoying it because you didn't have to pay for anything but was also really skeptical because mori was paying for everything and he port mafia boss. After a while the shopping trip was over, "bye! I hope we can go shopping again!" Elise said with a smile as she wave at atsushi and elise just glare at ranpo and fukuzawa. Mori just smile and also waves a goodbye and they got into the fancy car and left. Fukuzawa and ranpo were shopping because ranpo needed more snacks and ranpo can't be trusted to go shopping alone so someone has to go with him no matter what.

"Welp..I'm going home.." Atsushi said a he yawn, atsushi was pretty exhausted and fukuzawa let him go home. "Mori is taking a liking to atsushi.." Ranpo said in a serious voice as atsushi walk away and fukuzawa just sighed. "let's hope something doesn't happen." Fukuzawa said as ranpo and fukuzawa walk back to the agency. Atsushi immediately fell asleep as soon as he got into his apartment cuz he was pretty exhausted.

Elise obviously had a great time and wanted to do it again and obviously mori would do anything to make elise happy so it will happen again soon. Atsushi didn't really mind it happening again and he didn't tell the agency about it because they would freak out. Fukuzawa definitely did keep it close eye atsushi after that.

(😭 I wrote this half sleeping so there might be many mistakes!)

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