replacement//atsushi and yosano//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi was the replacement after yosano went into the mental hospital.

Warning: pedophilia.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Yosano was use in the war because of her ability but after she went crazy, she was put into a mental hospital and someone had to replace her. Atsushi was the chosen one because he was the only one at the orphanage who had a ability. Atsushi was only around five, when he was taken out of the orphanage by mori because atsushi ability was useful. Mori obviously love atsushi, and atsushi was basically used as a weapon in a way.

Atsushi couldn't heal people's injuries but he could heal his own injuries so atsushi was taught how to fight and actually fought in the war. Atsushi was in charge of teaching people how to fight because atsushi was so good at it. Atsushi was only a kid but he had a useful ability so he was used no matter what. "Great job atsushi~!" Mori said as he play with atsushi soft hair and Atsushi just look so tired and didn't have any motivation to fight mori so he actually let mori do as he pleases. "Make sure to rest atsushi~!" Mori softly says as he walks out of the room, leaving atsushi on the floor. 'disgusting..' Atsushi thought to himself as he get up and act like nothing ever happen. No one save atsushi so atsushi just act like it didn't happen at all.

Atsushi was the only kid in the war because mori couldn't find any other one and atsushi was glad about that. Atsushi didn't want other kids to be victims of mori. 'So tiring..I'll leave when I get a chance..' Atsushi thought to himself as he sit on his bed, atsushi had a plan to escape but he needed the perfect moment. When tbe war was finally ending and atsushi decided to take his chance and ran away from mori. Atsushi didn't care if he was homeless, he was just happy to be free. Atsushi was homeless for quite while until dazai found it and took him to the aagency after feeding atsushi.

"This is atsushi!" Dazai said to fukuzawa and fukuzawa just looked at atsushi. He could immediately tell that atsushi was homeless by the clothes and his skin was pretty dirty so it was obvious. "My name is fukuzawa." Fukuzawa softly said to atsushi and Atsushi actually recognize that name. 'Mori say something about him..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked at the tall men. Everyone was happy to welcome atsushi into the agency. "Welcome to the agency atsushi!" Dazai said as he hug atsushi and Atsushi just looked surprised but slowly smile. 'so welcoming..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi was worried that they would use him though but he wasn't exactly sure yet.

Atsushi obviously knew about yosano because mori would talk about her but atsushi never mentioned his past with mori because he just didn't want to seen selfish. Atsushi was perfectly fine with fighting people because he was used to it but the agency didn't use them at all like mori did and atsushi soon got used to being with the agency. Mori obviously recognized atsushi but he didn't do anything at all. Mori couldn't just take atsushi because the agency would find a way to get him back and that's just too much work for mori. Atsushi was happy about mori not trying to get him because atsushi didn't really wanted to fight the port mafia boss so mori was lucky.

The agency and port mafia were having a meeting and yosano was wondering about something. She knew about being replaced but she didn't know who replaced her. "Mori, when I was put in the mental hospital. I was who was the person you traumatized?" Yosano ask, she looked very serious and mori just smile. "Oh? He didn't say anything about it..hehe.." Mori softly said as he walked over to atsushi and yosano was glaring at him. 'Why is he walking towards Atsushi..?' Yosano thought to herself as kyouka glare at mori because he was getting too close to atsushi.

The other members were also curious now, and atsushi slowly glare at mori. "Get your damn hand off of my shoulder." Atsushi said as he looked at mori and mori just smiled. "so feisty as always.." Mori said with a smile and atsushi was getting angrier by the second. "I think atsushi should explain it..He was the one.." Mori said to yosano and yosano looked shocked and atsushi just sighed. "Don't you dare touch me." Atsushi suddenly said as he slap mori hand away and mori just blushed. "When yosano went to the mental hospital..mori needed to find a replacement for her and I was the only person with an ability at my orphanage so I was taken.." Atsushi slowly said and everyone just looks shocked and didn't know what to say.

"But..I don't have the ability like yosano..I couldn't heal people's injuries but I could heal my own so I was taught to fight and I fought in the war.." Atsushi explain and yosnao looked horrified and everyone else was also horrified. "I was also in charge of teaching people how to fight because I was so good at it.." Atsushi said and atsushi just look dead inside. "When the war was over..I took my chance and I ran.." Atsushi said as he suddenly get hug from kyouka and atsushi just smile and pat her head.

"That was a lot worser than what I had to do!" Yosano said as she stands up, and mori didn't do anything. "Atsushi ability was useful that's all." Mori softly says as he walked away and the port mafia and agency members are left there in shocked. Atsushi just stare at the door, "did I mentioned he was a pedophile?" Atsushi said and everyone didn't answer him because they were still in shocked. "Atsushi.." Yosano said as she looked at atsushi and atsushi didn't have facial expressions on his face, he just looked dead inside. "I think we should go.." Chuuya said as he stands up and the other port mafia members agreed and they start to walk out and the agency was just staring at atsushi in shocked. 'Great..everyone knows..' Atsushi thought to himself, he didn't really wanted the agency and port mafia knowing about his past but he didn't really have a choice and I have to say it.

"So..that why you're so good at fighting.." Kunikida whisper to himself as kyouka finally let go of atsushi and atsushi just smiled at her. "Don't worry kyouka.." Atsushi softly says and kyouka just looked more worried now. Everyone didn't know what to say because they were just too stunned to speak. Yosano looked very sad about it and dazai felt sad for atsushi. "I think we should take a break.." Fukuzawa finally said and everyone just agreed and took that break.

Atsushi was in yosano office because she wanted to talk to him and atsushi was about to say something but suddenly yosano just hug him. "It alright.." Yosano softly says and atsushi just started to cry. "It okay..just let it out.." Yosano whispered as atsushi grab on to yosano and cries on her shoulder. Atsushi never talked about his past and now he just did so it makes sense he was a bit emotional. "Sorry.." Atsushi said as he finally wipes his tears away and today just smiled. "It alright.." Yosano said as she sit up and atsushi just look away.

"Atsushi..why didn't you say anything about your past?" Yosano ask as atsushi take a breath in and out. "I just didn't want to seen selfish.." Atsushi said as he look at yosano and atsushi just looked like a little kid who needs some love. Yosano just frowns at the answer, "it not selfish to tell us about your past.." Yosano said and atsushi just nod. "I didn't want to fight at first..but soon I realized you guys weren't going to use me like mori so I was okay with fighting..." Atsushi said as yosano hug him again and atsushi hug back. After a while of atsushi, atsushi definitely feel better about talking about his past but atsushi never mentioned one thing. Mori love kid and atsushi was perfect kid, he was small and adorable so it was obvious mori did a few things to atsushi. No one in the agency knew that

Atsushi also join the group of talking shit about mori. Dazai, yosano and Atsushi would talk about how to kill mori and bunch of other things and atsushi and yosano became quite close because of that and now they're best friends. Atsushi also doesn't fight often now because of fukuzawa. Fukuzawa didn't want to trigger atsushi at all so atsushi doesn't fight much. Kyouka also became 10 times more protective of atsushi now and dazai try to kill port mafia boss because he found out about what happened and he haven't happy.


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