weird//atsushi and port mafia//

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-angst and fluff

-au-the port mafia save atsushi.

Warning: abuse

Not canon reaction
Third person POV

Atsushi lives in an orphanage but everyone seem to hate him because of his ability. Atsushi was put into a cage and couldn't escape at all and the Headmaster try to kill him so many times but always fail so the Headmaster beat him up each day for no reason.

Atsushi got used to this but hope he would be saved one day by anyone. The orphanage owed a lot of money to the port mafia so one day kouyou want to collect the money that they never had. Kouyou saw atsushi and left bad for the kid, and slowly walked up to him. "Hello.." Kouyou softly says to the little boy, and atsushi look scared. "..a-atsushi.." Atsushi slowly said, atsushi was holding his knees to his chest as he start to shake.

"I'm about we get you out of here.." Kouyou softly says to the little boy, kouyou always has soft spot for little kids. Kouyou slowly grab the little boy and atsushi immediately clinged onto her and kouyou activated her ability and killed the Headmaster.

Atsushi was happy to be out of the orphanage, and kouyou took him to the port mafia. Atsushi was staring at the man and atsushi was also very terrified now. "Oh? Hello little one.." Mori said to atsushi, atsushi didn't know what to say at all so he just stayed quiet for now. "I found him at the orphanage, he was in a cage." Kouyou said and mori look a bit surprised. "why would he be in a cage, he so adorable.." Mori said, kouyou actually agreed with mori. Atsushi was very adorable, "because..I have a ability..the Headmaster says I'm a monster.." Atsushi said as kouyou pat atsushi head for comfort.

"I understand..well..don't worry.. you're definitely not a monster at all." Mori said and atsushi look confused but then started to cry. "it's going to be okay.." Kouyou said as she comforts the little boy and atsushi just cries on her shoulder. Atsushi soon fell asleep, mori actually felt sad for the boy. "Poor kid.." Mori said as kouyou hold the little boy. "..he can stay at the Port Mafia..but he won't be in the port mafia." Mori said and kouyou didn't understand what mori was saying but she would understand later on.

"I can eat anything I want?" Atsushi ask kouyou and she just nodded. Atsushi was really happy about that and kouyou just found it adorable. "Thank you!" Atsushi said with a big smile and kouyou just smiled back. Atsushi was like the light in the port mafia, no one could be mean to the sweet little kid. Atsushi was always comforting the port mafia member for some reason and it was mostly dazai.

Until dazai left the port mafia and dazai actually tried to take atsushi with him but didn't work. Atsushi never actually joined the port mafia but he just stays there and everyone respects him for that. The agency actually knows nothing about atsushi existence being in the port Mafia. The agency was waiting for the port Mafia member because they have a meeting with them.

Atsushi walked into the meeting room and mori look confused. "..they might be a while.." Atsushi said as everyone hears explosion happen, and mori just sighed. "Atsushi!!" Dazai said as he jumped on the boy and atsushi didn't look that surprise. "Hello dazai.." Atsushi said as dazai hold onto atsushi and mori went to get the member. "I'm atsushi..and I don't work in the port mafia.." Atsushi said to the agency as he tried to get dazai off of him.

" why are you at the port mafia base?" Tanizaki ask as atsushi still tries to get dazai off of him. "Because the port mafia save him and I didn't have anywhere else to go..and I'm like a therapist I suppose.." Atsushi said, atsushi was almost like a therapist to everyone because they have a lot of trauma. Dazai was still holding on to atsushi and suddenly chuuya kick him out of atsushi, and atsushi just sighed. "Thank.." Atsushi said as he sit on the couch and basically watches the meeting happened.

"I think we came to agreement." Fukuzawa said and mori just smiled and nods. Atsushi was still on the couch but was slowly playing with kenji hair because kenji has soft hair. "Look like Kenji and atsushi are getting along.." Yosano said,  everyone finally looked at them. "No one can be mean to atsushi..he just so sweet.." Akutagawa said, mori knew atsushi can be mean, if he wanted too. "I think the meeting done kenji.." Atsushi said to the sleepy kenji and kenji slowly wake up. "I fell asleep? I didn't notice.." Kenji said, and atsushi just smiled.

The agency soon left the port mafia base and atsushi was relaxing on the couch still. "Yes ryuu?" Atsushi answer, akutagawa was standing right next to him. "Come here.." Atsushi said as he opened his arm and akutagawa hug him. Akutagawa was always so embarrassed to ask for comfort but atsushi knew akutagawa well enough to know that. Akutagawa just lay on chest atsushi and atsushi slowly play with his hair and no one bother them at all.

"Didn't have a great day?" Chuuya ask akutagawa and he just nodded. "you're always comforting you need comfort atsushi?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi just froze in place. 'Do I need comfort..?' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi finally nodded as a no. Chuuya and akutagawa didn't believe atsushi a lot so they basically cuddled him all day.

Atsushi love his life in the port mafia so even if they're all evil people, atsushi doesn't see them as evil people.

(😭so random)

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