bffs//atsushi and gin//part 2

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-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi and gin are bffs.


( read the first part for this to make sense!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and gin have been hiding their friendship for quite a while but they kind of decided to the agency now because they want to see the reactions to them being best. Atsushi was on his break for once and he was texting gin because she was already done with work. "I wonder who atsushi is texting.." Dazai said and Kunikida just looked annoyed. 'Of course..dazai always wanted to know..' Atsushi thought to himself as he stare at dazai and suddenly gin walked into the agency.

Everyone looked shocked because a port Mafia member was in the agency but atsushi just sat there. "Atsushi!" Gin said with a smile as she pat atsushi head and atsushi didn't do anything at all. "We need to talk about something.." Gin suddenly said and atsushi looked at her and raised one of his eyebrows. "..a new bet?" Atsushi ask and gin just nodded. They sometimes make bets about some things and now they had a new thing to bet on.

"What the fuck?" Naomi said, everyone was confused and surprised at the same time. "Me and are best friends." Gin said, everyone was shocked about that. Dazai and ranpo were also surprised about it because they surprisingly knew nothing about it. "How the fuck..? I didn't even know.." Dazai said in shocked and atsushi just nodded. "you weren't meant to find out don't know everything." Atsushi said but he whispered the last part but dazai and ranpo hear it and they were just surprised because they technically always knew everything but this time they didn't know everything.

Gin suddenly walked out and atsushi just followed waving a goodbye to the agency. "I'm happy that atsushi has friends but I certainly wasn't expecting gin to be the friend.." Kyouka said, she was happy that atsushi was having friends but she certainly didn't expect it to be a port mafia member. "I mean it's technically allowed in a way as long as no private information is shared." yosano said and Kunikida nodded in agreement. Dazai and ranpo were starting at each other and they were both wondering what else don't they know about atsushi. "I'm glad that atsushi has some friends outside of work." Fukuzawa said, he obviously heard everything and he was quite fine with it as long as no private information was shared.

"I wasn't expecting to be friends with port mafia member though.." Tanizaki said, no one was expecting that at all and it was a little surprising. Everyone was fine with it as long as no private information was shared between the two.

Atsushi and gin went to a cafe to talk about the bet. "So..what are we betting on?" Atsushi ask with a smile and gin was also smiling. "I think we all know that is there something going on with dazai and chuuya..but I saw chuuya with kunikida not too long ago.." Gin explain and atsushi just nodded. "Chuuya and Kunikida..they would honestly talk shit about the dazai.." Atsushi said with a smirk and gin agreed. "And..we all know how dazai looked at kunikida.." Gin said and atsushi just nodded. "So..we should bet on who confesses first.." Gin said, atsushi was thinking about it. "Kunikida..definitely won't confess first..but I'm not sure about dazai and chuuya.." Atsushi said, gin just smirk. "It quite should we bet on this?" Gin ask and atsushi just nodded.

Atsushi and gin have bet on many things before so this is wasn't surprising but they knew this one will be a bit longer because someone confessing always takes long. "The agency seems to take it know that me and you are friends." Gin said and atsushi just nodded. "I mean..I think they know I wouldn't actually be a traitor or anything so I think he was just surprising that was friends with the port Mafia member.." Atsushi said as he drinks his coffee and gin just nodded in agreement.

"How was work?" Gin ask, atsushi just sighed. "had to do all of dazai work again.." Atsushi said, atsushi always has to do dazai work because dazai was to be lazy as fuck. Gin just laugh, and sadly gin can't talk about her day at work because it's technically private information so she can't say anything about it. "I only half day..." Gin said, it's very unusual for port mafia members to have half days but gin wasn't complaining at all. Atsushi just nodded and the enjoy their cup of coffee or tea for a while.

"What should we do now?" Atsushi ask as gin slowly smirks. "Shopping!" Gin happily says and atsushi was alright with shopping and gin actually has a fashion taste in fashion so she will be helping atsushi with his clothes. "you have no fashion taste at all." Gin said and atsushi look offended to hear that. "Not my fault.." Atsushi said as gin just laughed. Gin and atsushi walked around a few stores but nothing really looked good on atsushi until they found a perfect thing. "who knew just some simple hoodie would make you look good.." Gin said, atsushi was wearing a black hoodie and it looked really good on him.

"might be because of my hair, it is white.." Atsushi said as he looks in the window and gin just nodded. "Yeah..I think it's because of your hair.." Gin said, atsushi like the hoodie so gin got it because atsushi is broke and gin was rich and gin doesn't mind spending money on her best friend. Atsushi didn't really like how gin would spend thousands of dollars on him but gin wouldn't say no at all so he just went with it. Atsushi certainly didn't care if gin was rich at all, gin was a very great person except when she's at work. "How kyouka doing?" Gin ask, gin obviously knew kyouka but they actually never have talked to each other before. "she's doing quite well." Atsushi softly said with a smile and gin was happy to hear that.

"That good.." Gin said as they start to walk to the akutagawa sibling place. Atsushi was already used to being in the house so many times so it wasn't surprising, when he was staying again. "eat your damn vegetables!" Gin said to her brother and akutagawa looked away. Atsushi was laughing the whole time but no one paid attention to him so that was good thing. "No!" Akutagawa said, and gin and akutagawa start to argue again and atsushi was still laughing his ass off because it was fucking hilarious.

"Stop laughing!" Akutagawa said to his boyfriend and atsushi tries his best to stop laughing but didn't work, in the end, akutagawa ate his vegetables and slowly everyone went to bed after that. Gin did in fact take pictures of akutagawa and atsushi cuddling because it was so adorable. The port Mafia didn't know anything about the friendship and gin honestly didn't want to tell them at all because she wasn't ready for them to know. Atsushi and gin actually lost a bet so no one won and the agency was fine with them being friends but of course they asked many questions because they were fucking so curious about it.
Dazai and ranpo started to wonder a lot of things about atsushi because apparently they don't know much about him and they basically try to stalk atsushi but it always fails because atsushi can hear them and it drives them so crazy.

( I might have messed up but I'm not sure)

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