replacement//atsushi and dazai//

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-angst and fluff

-au-after dazai left the port mafia, atsushi became dazai replacement.

Warning: pedophile, experiment, mention of suicide(dazai).

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Dazai obviously used to be the port mafia but he decided to leave after one of his friends died and his friend told him to be on the good side so that's what dazai did but mori definitely wasn't happy about that. Mori decided to find a replacement for dazai and mori soon found atsushi. Atsushi was living in a shitty orphanage and mori with collecting the debt that the orphanage owed him but of course, they didn't have the money. "Take the kid!! He can be useful!!" The Headmaster said as he pushes atsushi closer to the port mafia boss and mori just smirk as he looks at the tiny little boy.

"he has an ability! He can heal himself and he can turn into a tiger!" The Headmaster quickly said and mori now looks very interested and atsushi just look terrified. "Fine..consider this boy as the payment for your debt." Mori said as he grab atsushi hand and they start to walk off and the Headmaster looks so relieved but atsushi just look terrified. "Don't worry..I'll take great care of you.." Mori softly said as he played with the tiger boy hair and atsushi just still look scary.

Atsushi was definitely a lot younger than dazai so mori was more interested in the boy. "Stay here..I'm going to get you some pretty clothes." Mori said to atsushi and atsushi just stand there and soon mori came back with a dress. " a good boy and undressed so I can put this on you." Mori said with a creepy smile and atsushi did what the boy say. Atsushi didn't understand anything at all but soon he grown to realize that mori was a pedophile and was into little kids. Atsushi kept secret from the port mafia member because mori wanted to make sure atsushi was safe and sound.

"Atsushi..come here.." Mori said and atsushi just walk up to mori. Mori was also very interested in atsushi ability so he decided to do a little experiment on atsushi. Atsushi couldn't scream or anything because he would be punished for that so he just sat there and he let mori do as he pleases. 'I'll escape this place one day..' Atsushi thought to himself as he slowly closed his eyes and mori just smiled at that. Atsushi got used to the little experiments that mori would do on him. Atsushi couldn't really say no at all because then he would be punished but either way it was hell to him.

Atsushi was forced to wear dresses all the time, and atsushi always hated it. "you're so special atsushi~" mori softly said as he does atsushi hair and atsushi just doesn't say anything at all. Mori would always do atsushi hair and atsushi was forced to grow it out because mori was mostly interested in little girls so atsushi was basically forced to be a girl in a way but soon that will change to when atsushi finally escaped. Atsushi immediately found a way to cut his hair because he didn't want long hair and atsushi was glad to be free.

Atsushi soon saved a man named dazai from drowning. Atsushi soon realize the man that, he saved was from the port mafia and atsushi knew dazai because mori would talk about him. Atsushi also realized dazai was trying to kill himself and atsushi basically just ruined it and soon atsushi was taken to the agency and soon he with official member of the agency. Atsushi was glad to be the agency because it would be a lot harder for him to be kidnapped by mori but atsushi still worried a bit about that but atsushi soon realize that he had nothing to worry about.

The agency member were doing the work as usual but they were waiting for the port Mafia to arrive because they had a meeting. "Hello atsushi~" mori softly said as he walked into the agency main office and atsushi just glare at mori. "Hello..pedophile." Atsushi said with a smile and everyone else looked confused. Atsushi was in fact smiling but he was greatly mad but obviously was hiding it. "where's your manners at? you used to be such a obedient boy." Mori said and atsushi just stop smiling. Atsushi just flips off mori and everyone just looked surprised but mori just chuckles and soon the meeting started, but everyone was wondering the exact same thing.

The meeting went according to plan and soon the meeting was over but now everyone was just wondering the exact same thing. "Goodbye atsushi~" mori said as he slowly walked away and atsushi just didn't look happy at all. "I hope you fucking die bitch!" Atsushi said as mori walk out and everyone was just shocked by that. "Atsushi.. do you know mori?" Yosano ask as she walks closer to atsushi and atsushi just nodded. "I was..dazai replacement after he left the port mafia.." Atsushi said and both dazai and yosano looked absolutely horrified because they know how mori is with little children.

"replacement? Oh god..atsushi.." Dazai said as he get up and atsushi just doesn't say anything. "Mori love little kid.." Atsushi said as he looked down and dazai could already guess what happened to atsushi and the other agency member look pretty horrified and the port mafia member heard everything but they had to leave so they couldn't ask any questions. "Atsushi..what did he do to you?" Kyouka ask, and atsushi just smiled. "..experiments..and other things.." Atsushi said, everyone already knew what the other thing meant and they looked absolutely horrified. "Mori..forced me to be a little girl..I was forced to wear dresses and grew out my hair.." Atsushi said as he finally looked at the agency member and Fukuzawa was also there and he looked pretty horrified as well and disgusted.

"I was lucky enough to escape..and I immediately found a way to cut my hair, that's why my hair is uneven.." Atsushi softly said as kyouka hug him and the other just didn't know what to say at all. "Im so sorry atsushi.." Dazai said and atsushi just looked confused. "you're nothing to apologize for." Atsushi said to dazai and some of the others just started to cry because they felt so bad for atsushi. Atsushi look surprised because he didn't expect them to be crying and atsushi was immediately hugged by multiple people. Atsushi just smiled and soon everyone calm down.

"Atsushi..if you like to talk about it, I'm always available." Yosano said and atsushi just nod. Dazai was still holding onto atsushi, dazai has grown quite attached to atsushi so he felt terrible and atsushi just smiled the whole time. "Atsushi..I think you should take a few days off." Fukuzawa said and atsushi didn't really tried to argue because he was quite tired so atsushi just went home and of course dazai was with him the whole time. " okay to cry.." Dazai said as he shut the door and slowly tears start to fall down the tiger boy face and dazai immediately comfort him. "I hated it..I couldn't cry or anything.." Atsushi said as he basically fall into dazai and dazai just slowly rubs atsushi back as he cried. "you're safe, I'll protect you from him.." Dazai softly said as atsushi slowly wipe tear away. "..can you..stay tonight?" Atsushi ask as he looked away and dazai immediately nod.

"I wasn't planning on leaving you alone tonight anyways." Dazai said with a smile and atsushi just laugh. "You should rest now." Dazai said to atsushi and atsushi just slowly nod. Atsushi basically curled up into a ball and fell asleep on the ground but obviously dazai pick up atsushi and put him into the bed and dazai stays right next to atsushi the whole time. Kyouka soon came back home and she didn't mind dazai staying because she just wanted atsushi to be happy so she didn't mind it.

Atsushi took a few days off of work and soon he went back to work as usual but he did talk to yosano and atsushi definitely felt a lot better after that and the agency was there the whole time making sure atsushi was perfectly okay. They also became a bit more protective of atsushi especially dazai and kyouka. Mori obviously hasn't tried to kidnap atsushi yet and dazai is basically planning mori dead. Atsushi also doing a lot better.

(I think this turned out pretty well!)

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