spy//lucy x atsushi//

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-fluff and angst?

-au-atsushi is a spy for the agency.


( I don't know if the requester wanted atsushi to be a spy for the agency or the guild so I just picked one🤷‍♀️)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi did in fact work in the agency but he wasn't really known because he was kept secret. Atsushi grew up in an orphanage but was saved by the president, atsushi was really grateful to be saved. The agency didn't necessarily need more members but they were fine with more but they decided to keep atsushi a secret. Atsushi would only get private missions and they always be a success because no one knew about atsushi existence in the agency so it was a good thing.

"..you want me to be a spy!? And join the guild for information!?" Atsushi said as he sit up and fukuzawa just nodded. "The guild has been planning something and we need to know." Fukuzawa said, atsushi was very surprised about this because he's never necessarily got a mission like this before. "Can you do it?" Fukuzawa suddenly ask and atsushi just nodded. "I certainly wasn't expecting this.." Atsushi said as he sit back down and sighed. Atsushi wasn't necessarily trained to be a spy but he did know a few things so it wasn't a problem.

Atsushi just needed to make a plan to join the guild, and it was fairly simple plan. Atsushi also changed his appearance a bit so he could easily get into the guild. "Welcome to the guild atsushi!" fitzgerald said with a smile and atsushi just smiled back as he looked at the other guild member. " a raccoon?" Atsushi suddenly said as he looked at poe and poe just turns red. "Huh..I never seen someone have a pet raccoon before.." Atsushi said and that was in fact true. fitzgerald just laughed at that and everyone introduces themselves to atsushi. Atsushi and lucy were pair together so they would be working with each other.

"This is my ability.." Lucy said as she activates her ability and they end up in anna room, atsushi looked around and he was surprised because he's never seen ability like this before so it's pretty interesting. "Wow..so cool." Atsushi said and lucy just then red and looked away. "Do you have a ability?" Lucy ask and atsushi thought about it and he decided to lie to them. "Nope!" Atsushi softly said, atsushi didn't want to give away anything so it's best to hide his ability for now. Lucy just nodded and they start to talk to each other more because they will be working together for now on so it was a good thing that they know each other so they get along.

Atsushi and lucy became good best friends because they are a lot in common so it's easy for them to get along. "so your orphan as well?" Lucy asked and atsushi just nodded as he drink some coffee. They decided to go to a cafe because it was lunch time. "Im also a orphan." Lucy said and atsushi looked surprised. "Wow..we do have a lot in common.." Atsushi said as he giggles and lucy eyes widen a bit. 'So cute..' Lucy thought to herself as she blushes, and atsushi just noticed it but he doesn't say anything at all. "Poe is nice." Atsushi said and lucy just nodded. "Poe is mostly shy or nervous all the time..." Lucy said and atsushi obviously knew that because it was pretty obvious.

Atsushi obviously talks to the other guild members but they all have their own things to do so they don't have much time on their hands. Atsushi sometimes reads poe novels for fun because he's bored and poe like it, when someone reads his novels. "fitzgerald is..a bit weird to be honest." Atsushi said as he looked outside of the window and lucy agreed with atsushi because fitzgerald is american so he's obviously pretty weird. Ever since that day, lucy has gain a crush on atsushi and atsushi also slowly gain a crush on lucy too. Atsushi would always tease lucy and lucy would always be blushing mess.

Atsushi and lucy were assigned to do something and everyone was going according to plan. 'Tanizaki..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked at him and lucy explained the rule or whatever. "Anna..is very lonely.." Atsushi said as he looks at mori and atsushi immediately recognizes him but he doesn't say anything to them at all. "Where naomi!?" Tanizaki yelled and lucy just smirked. Atsushi basically just watched but they apparently won. Lucy wasn't happy about that and atsushi did his best to comfort lucy. "There there.." Atsushi softly said as he pat lucy head and lucy just turns bright red from embarrassment.

"..atsushi..i like you!!" Lucy suddenly said, she couldn't keep it a secret anymore and she had to tell atsushi. Atsushi just smiled at lucy, "I like you too.." Atsushi softly said and lucy looked up in surprise but she was very happy to hear that. "May I kiss you?" Atsushi ask and lucy immediately nodded and they shared a kiss. Atsushi certainly didn't expect to fall in love with guild member but he knew the agency wouldn't mind at all, they would be happy for him in fact so he didn't bother telling them at all.

The guild members also knew nothing about them dating because it was none of their business to know about their dating life. Atsushi wasn't sure on how lucy would react to him being a spy but he just made it until the time comes. Atsushi and lucy took a relationship slowly because this was new to both of them so they wanted to take it slowly. "Look like the agency and port mafia win." Lucy said and atsushi just looked away. "Im the spy. That's how they knew.." Atsushi suddenly said and lucy just looked surprised. "WHAT!?" lucy yell and atsushi just nervously smiles as lucy yell at him.

"Do you even like me!?!" Lucy ask and atsushi immediately nodded. "Of course..I actually like you.." Atsushi softly said and lucy immediately turn red again. After a while lucy calm down and she decided to leave the guild and she started to work at the cafe under the agency. Atsushi also left, the guild because he didn't need to be a spy anymore.

Atsushi was allowed a few days off but lucy wanted atsushi to be with her. "Nooo.." Atsushi said as lucy grab atsushi and starts to drag him out of bed. "you're coming with me no matter what.." Lucy said as to her boyfriend and atsushi wasn't happy about that. Lucy basically had to pick up atsushi so she basically carried him to the cafe. "I wanted sleep.." Atsushi said as lucy walk into the cage and lucy slowly put atsushi down and some of the agency members are quite confused.

"And I want to make sure you're okay." Lucy said and atsushi just frowns as he finally sits up. "Atsushi?" Dazai said and atsushi didn't say anything. "..atsushi and lucy are dating.." Ranpo said with a smirk and yosano and dazai look offended because atsushi didn't tell them at all and they had many questions about it because they're nosy people but atsushi kept most things private because his dating life should be private anyways and he doesn't have to tell you one about it if he's not comfortable to.

Lucy just smiled the whole time, lucy and atsushi were great for each other. Atsushi and lucy obviously saw each other work all the time and the agency was fine with them dating so there wasn't any problems about it. "I love you.." Atsushi said with a smile and lucy just turn red again. "I love you too.." lucy said as she looked away and atsushi just laughed as he drinks his coffee. There was no more problems with the huild so didn't have to worry about anything. Lucy was also very overprotective of atsushi and atsushi love it.

"Good night.." Atsushi said as he lay down and lucy just smiled. "Night." Lucy said as she cuddled with atsushi and they both fell asleep right next to each other. Everything was perfectly fine after that.

(🤷‍♀️ honestly the request just said lucy x atsushi spy au so I just made something up so sorry if this isn't what you wanted!!)

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