friends//atsushi and chuuya//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi and chuuya are friends.

Warning: underage drinking

Not canon reaction
third person pov

Atsushi had a long day at work so he decided, he should relax for once but he accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry!" Atsushi said as he looked up to see a port mafia executive, chuuya nakahara. Chuuya didn't know much about atsushi but he did know that atsushi was dazai student. "You must be atsushi nakajima." Chuuya said as he hold out his hand for atsushi to take and atsushi just smiled and nod. "Yes..that me." Atsushi said, he obviously was pretty nervous because he was right next to a port mafia executive but chuuya didn't plan on hurting atsushi at all.

"you look exhausted." Chuuya said as he looked up and down and atsushi just nod again. Atsushi was very exhausted and it was easily noticeable. "Come with me." Chuuya said as he grab atsushi hand and chuuya starts to drag atsushi somewhere. Atsushi wasn't sure on what to do so he just let it happen because he wasn't going to fight a port mafia executive. "have you ever drunk before?" Chuuya ask atsushi and atsushi just nodded as a no. "welp, I guess this is going to be your first time drinking.." Chuuya said as they finally made it to chuuya house and the house was quite decently big but also not terribly big as well.

"I'm underage though?" Atsushi ask and chuuya obviously didn't give a care about that. "trust me, you'll feel a lot better after this but you will probably have a massive hangover after that too.." Chuuya said as he unlocked the door and they both walk in. Atsushi just look around, while chuuya gets the fancy wine. "Here." Chuuya said as he pours some wine into a glass and atsushi slowly take it. "Is it normal to take random people to your house?" Atsushi ask, chuuya nodded as a no. "you work with dazai so I figured you probably wanted a break.." Chuuya said as atsushi slowly takes a sip of the wine and atsushi didn't really know what to feel about it but he decided to drink more and they both talked for a while.

"you're my child now." Chuuya said and atsushi just look confused. "What?" Atsushi said as chuuya pat atsushi head and atsushi didn't know what to say at all. "if you're ever in any danger or something, just call me and I'll help you." Chuuya said and atsushi just nodded and they basically enjoy the night drinking and talking a lot and ever since that day, they basically became friends. Chuuya was like a overprotective mom to atsushi because atsushi apparently needs protecting a all cost and atsushi is just happy.

Obviously no one knew about the friendship because atsushi works in the agency so it's kind of weird for him to be friends with the port mafia executive. Atsushi and chuuya would usually meet at a bar and atsushi would drink sometimes but we'll also not drink sometimes, it just depends on the day. Atsushi could easily keep the friendship secret because no one would expected it so they wouldn't automatically just guess it. Atsushi had a feeling they would find out one day and that day did come.

The port mafia and agency were having a meeting to discuss some things but the meeting was held at the Port .afia base and everyone was going to be there. Atsushi and chuuya haven't seen each other in about a week due to missions so atsushi was excited to see chuuya again. Dazai immediately ran to hug chuuya but chuuya slap the shit out of him and chuuya walked towards atsushi. "Are you alright!? Do I need to hurt someone!?" Chuuya ask as he starts to shake atsushi and atsushi just nod as a no. "I'm perfectly fine." Atsushi said with a smile and everyone was deadly confused because a port mafia executive was literally asking if atsushi was okay.

Chuuya just smiled and everyone was wondering lot of things. "Chuuya.... what are you doing with my student?" Dazai ask, he looked very serious now and chuuya just smiled at that and atsushi didn't say anything at all. "Anyways..atsushi! I got some new wine and I want you to try it out!" Chuuya said with a smirk and atsushi just sighed and everyone just looks shocked. "this is more entertaining." Mori whispers to Fukuzawa and fukuzawa just looks so tired and done with stuff. " know everyone just heard you right?" Atsushi ask and chuuya just nodded.

'Is he..trying to make dazai mad?' Atsushi thought to himself, dazai didn't look mad at all but he probably was in fact a bit mad. "anyways, we have to start the meeting." Mori softly said and everyone went to sit down and soon the meeting started. The meeting went according to plan but everyone was wondering the exact same thing and it was about atsushi and chuuya friendship because they obviously knew each other and now everyone was curious about it. After the meeting was finally over, everyone immediately looked at atsushi and chuuya.

"Come on atsushi." Chuuya said as he get up and atsushi just followed. "How was work?" Chuuya ask, atsushi just smiled. "same as usual." Atsushi said and everyone was just watching them as they walk away. "Wow..certainly wasn't expecting them to be friends." Mori said, dazai actually agreed with mori for once because he certainly didn't expect that at all. Fukuzawa also didn't expect it and he didn't really care at this point so he didn't do anything about it.

Atsushi was in chuuya house again and chuuya was talking about his day as usual. Atsushi was slowly taking some sips of the wine as chuuya complains and atsushi just smiled. Atsushi obviously did let kyouka know that he will probably be staying at chuuya house so kyouka didn't have to worries at all. Atsushi and chuuya mostly talked for the rest of the night until chuuya passed out and atsushi went to sleep.

In the morning was same as usual, atsushi got ready for work and went to the agency and everyone was staring at him because they were still curious so they asked a bunch of questions about it because they were so fucking curious, they needed to know. "I don't drink all the mostly depends on the day." Atsushi said to kunikida and Kunikida wasn't happy about that because atsushi is technically still underaged but he is glad that atsushi doesn't drink every single day. "I basically bumped into chuuya and it took me to his house and we drunk." Atsushi said to dazai and dazai was very surprised about that but also not surprised at the same time.

"Wow..honestly I'm not surprised that atsushi made friend with a port mafia executive.." Yosano said and ranpo agreed with her. Atsushi probably could easily make friends with the port mafia even if he tried. " is any private information shared between you?" Fukuzawa ask as he walked into the main office and atsushi nodded as a no. "Mori is perfectly fine with it and I'm also fine with it as long as no private information is shared between you." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just nodded. "this could possibly be a truce in a way.." Naomi said and tanizaki agreed and soon everyone went back to work and everything was back to normal.

(I honestly just made something up🤷‍♀️)

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