father//fukuchi and atsushi//

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-angst and fluff

-au-fukuchi is atsushi fathers.

Warning: season 5 spoilers

(Shin soukoku at the end!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi never talks about his past, I mean it wasn't that bad. Fukuchi was atsushi biological father but atsushi mom sadly passed away due to communications during birth. Fukuchi was heartbroken to lose his wife but he had no idea how to take care of a baby so he had someone else to take care of it because he was pretty rich. Atsushi had anything he wanted but he mostly just wanted his father's love. Atsushi new things about his father because the person that was taking care of him told him and he knew a bit about his mom as well.

Fukuchi was a leader of the hunting dogs so that's why he was so rich and no one in the hunting dogs knew about atsushi being fukuchi son. Atsushi didn't really want to bring it up, atsushi didn't hate his father, he just wanted his love but he never got it. Atsushi decided to get a job because that's what normal people do and soon he got a job at the agency.

Atsushi didn't mention who his father was or anything about his past because he didn't really want to talk about it. Fukuzuawa didn't seem to notice who atsushi father was so that's why atsushi never got asked questions about the hunting dog leader. Atsushi didn't know much about the hunting dogs but he knew some things about them.

Atsushi was surprised to hear that the agency was being accused being terrorist. Atsushi didnt know about fukuchi being in the decay of angels so it was a shock to atsushi. Atsushi couldn't believe his father was in the decay of angels and atsushi wasn't sure on what to do about that. The agency made a plan to bring fukuchi down but atsushi was obviously heartbroken about it because it's his father.

Atsushi had to watch his own father kill his partner in battle and atsushi was devastated to see that. '..I'll take you down father..I'll be the one to kill you..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi will be the one to kill his father no matter what. Atsushi didn't tell the agency about his plan at all because he didn't know how to tell then that so he just didn't say anything. Dazai and chuuya successfully escape the prison and now we're on the way back to where everyone else was.

Aya was perfectly okay and brams was back to normal with his legs. Akutagawa was also alive in pretty well but was very confused because he didn't know what was happening at all. "they're still fighting.." Tanizaki said, fukuzawa and fukuchi were still fighting. "I thought they would have stop fighting by now.." Dazai said as he walked up to the group and dazai immediately noticed his favorite person was gone. "Where atsushi?" Dazai asks and everyone had no idea.

No one noticed that atsushi was gone, everyone looked around but couldn't see atsushi so everyone was confused but suddenly there was a gunshot and everyone saw atsushi holding a gun. "I'm sorry.." Atsushi said to fukuchi and fukuchi just smile. Fukuzawa look shocked and didn't know what to say as fukuchi walk closer to atsushi. "I should be the one that's apologizing." Fukuchi said with a softly smile and atsushi didn't say anything and looked like he was about to break down at any point.

"I'm so sorry..I know I wasn't a good father to you, I should have been there.." Fukuchi said as he pulled atsushi into a hug and tears start to roll down atsushi face. "I'm so sorry son.." Fukuchi said as he loses his balance and falls. Atsushi immediately catches his father, atsushi looks shocked. Atsushi was full on crying as fukcuhi slowly dies in his arms. "What.." Fukuzawa finally manages to say, he looked very confused.

"..he gone.." Atsushi finally said as he check fukuchi pulse and there was no pulse so he was dead. "..fukuchi is atsushi biological dad.." Ranpo said to everyone and everyone look shocked to hear that and atsushi was now just crying and was holding on to his dead father. Fukuzawa slowly walked up to atsushi and slowly fukuzawa pulled atsushi into a hug and atsushi just cries in his chest. Everyone else was pretty silent, no one knew what to say about that. "I'm sorry for your loss atsushi.." Fukuzawa said as he slowly play with atsushi hair and atsushi just keeps crying. Teruko was also there and she didn't know what to say at all.

"I didn't know..we knew nothing about fukuchi having a son.." Teruko said to agency members, teruko was obviously heartbroken about fukchi dead because fukuchi and teruko were close but she also feel guilty because fukcuhi has a son and he didn't give any love to him. "Atsushi mom died due to compilations of the birth.." Ranpo finally said as atsushi slowly wipes his tears away but stays in the hug.

"all I ever wanted was his love..he couldn't take care of me because he didn't know how to take care of a baby so he had someone else do it.. I had everything I wanted but all I wanted was him to be around.." Atsushi manages to say and everyone didn't know what to say to that. "It okay.." Fukuzawa whispered to atsushi as atsushi finally pulled away from the hug. "Atsushi.." Dazai said and atsushi didn't say anything at all. Fukuzawa suddenly hug atsushi again and atsushi looks surprised. "You must be hungry..how about we go get something to eat?" Fukuzawa said and everyone agrees on that. Atsushi just smiled and slowly they actually cleaned up the mess that happened and soon they went to a fancy restaurant to eat the port mafia was also there as well. The agency and port mafia were still in peace so no one really cared at all because they were just happy everything was over.

No one asked any questions about fukcuhi being atsushi father and atsushi was glad about that. Atsushi finally enjoys a night without anything happening. Atsushi was looking at the sky as akutagawa walk outside as well. "Hello atsushi.." Akutagawa said and atsushi looks surprised because akutagawa call him by his actual name. "I think that's the first time you ever called me atsushi." Atsushi said as he giggled. Akutagawa immediately turns red but starts to talk about something. "..atsushi..I like you.." Akutagawa suddenly said and atsushi immediately froze in place. Atsushi was shocked to hear that but was also happy to hear it too.

"I like you too..." Atsushi said with a smile and suddenly akutagawa pull atsushi and gave him a kisses on the lip. "will you be my boyfriend?" Akutagawa asked and atsushi immediately nods. "Yes!" Atsushi said as he hug akutagawa and akutagawa just smiled and they enjoy the hug. "I love you.." Akutagawa said with a smile, atsushi just giggles. "I love you too." Atsushi said and they went back to the others and they enjoy the night.

They're obviously with a funeral for fukuchi and everyone was there. Atsushi was sad about his father's death but he had a bunch of people supporting him the whole time so he wasn't alone at all. Kyouka threatened akutagawa after finding out atsushi was dating akutagawa. "I will kill you if you hurt atsushi.." Kyouka said as she glare at the men and akutagawa slowly nod. Akutagawa also got threatened by fukuzawa because fukuzawa started to see atsushi as he son. "I was literally threatened by your boss!" Akutagawa said and atsushi honestly started to laugh as they walk to akutagawa house because atsushi is staying with akutagawa.

"break his heart and I will kill you." Gin said to her brother and akutagawa looked absolutely offended by that. "you're my own sister! What the fuck!" Akutagawa said as gin start to laugh. Atsushi was now laughing his ass off. Everything soon went back to normal and atsushi was enjoying his life being with akutagawa.

( So Random to be honest)

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