love//lucy x akutagawa x atsushi//

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(😭 I don't think this is a ship but honestly I don't give a fuck-)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and akutagawa have been together for quite a while now but lucy being put into relationship with unexpected and no one expected it at all. Akutagawa and atsushi were at a bar because no one really goes into the bar so they never get caught. Lucy just so happens to be there and one thing led to another and Lucy was at akutagawa house.

"I didn't expect atsushi to be the dominant one.." Lucy said as she sit up and see atsushi was massaging akutagawa back because akutagawa has back pain. "Atsushi nails are little longer so it feels perfect on your back.." Akutagawa said and lucy was very surprised. "Ryuu..never like to be the dominant one.." Atsushi said with a smile and that made sense.

"Do you want attention?" Atsushi said lucy and she immediately turn red but nodded. Atsushi was definitely a great boyfriend and lucy didn't mind being with a port mafia member so lucy was added to the relationship. "Atsushi is a perfect boyfriend.." Lucy said, atsushi respects women and a lot of other things. "I know...he perfect" akutagawa said and atsushi was just red in the face. "I'm not that perfect!" Atsushi said but akutagawa and lucy disagree on that because atsushi a perfect boyfriend. "you're perfect, accept that!" Lucy said and atsushi was just embarrassed.

Lucy and akutagawa we're very overprotective of their boyfriend because atsushi shouldn't be able to get hurt by anyone. No one in the agency knew about them being together because atsushi didn't tell them shit but they always find out somehow. Atsushi was in yosano office because of some injuries from a mission. " lost a lot of blood, you need to be more careful.." Yosano said as they both walk into the main office. "we can't find the people that hurt you for some reason.." Kunikida said as atsushi just sighed. Atsushi already knew what happened to them, lucy and akutagawa were planning the people's death because they hurt their precious boyfriend.

"...lucy!!!" Atsushi yell and lucy immediately walks into the agency with smile on her face that was actually creepy. "let the people go." Atsushi said and lucy immediately frowned. "No." Lucy said, she was in fact not going to let the people go unless they pay the price for hurting her boyfriend. Everyone else looked confused and atsushi looks like he was about to go crazy. " have to let them can't just kill them or hurt them because they hurt me.." Atsushi said and everyone else looks shocked.

"I can and I will!! Ryuu agree with me!" Lucy said as she looked away and atsushi just sighed. "What..?" Kunikida said as akutagawa slams the door open. "Atsushi! Are you alright!?" Akutagawa said as he grab atsushi and atsushi just nod. "Don't worry, they'll pay the price.." Akutagawa said as he hug atsushi and atsushi didn't say anything. "Yes..For your information dazai..I'm dating ryuu and lucy.. and yes they're very overprotective.." Atsushi said to dazai because dazai was giving atsushi that stare.

Everyone in the didn't know what to say to that because they weren't expecting that. "Wow.." Yosano said as lucy glared at the agency. " we will be taking atsushi home.. and we'll make sure he gets proper rest..." Lucy said as akutagawa pick up atsushi and they start to walk out of the agency. "I'm perfectly fine!" Atsushi said and the agency member could hear akutagawa and lucy "no you're not!" at the same time. The agency didn't stop them because atsushi did in fact need a lot of rest so it was a good thing.

"I'm perfectly okay.." Atsushi said as akutagawa put atsushi on the bed. "Let us cuddle you for once.." Lucy said as akutagawa lap down and immediately pull atsushi close to him. Atsushi just sighed because he wasn't going to convince them at all so he just went with it. Akutagawa hand were basically wrapped around atsushi and atsushi could hear akutagawa heartbeat. Lucy was on the other side and basically atsushi lap his head on lucy and atsushi actually fell asleep like that because he can sleep anywhere so it wasn't surprising.

'So adorable..' Lucy thought to herself as she kissed atsushi forehead and akutagawa actually fell asleep as well. Lucy just smiled and basically watch them and decided to make dinner after a while because she never made dinner before and atsushi is the usual one to cook so she want to give him a break. Atsushi does a lot of the household chores so atsushi really did need a break. "You made dinner? I usually make dinner.." Atsushi said as he walked into the kitchen. "I know but you need a break, you basically do everything..." Lucy said and akutagawa immediately agreed with her.

Atsushi didn't know what to say so he didn't say anything and they enjoyed dinner together. Lucy wasn't some professional at cooking so she just made a simple meal but it was a great meal either way so it didn't matter. "This is great.." Akutagawa said, Lucy just smiled. Akutagawa didn't know how to cook at all so he wasn't allowed to cook at all because they don't want the kitchen burning down. "Anyways..what happened to the guys?" Atsushi said and lucy and akutagawa didn't say anything.

Atsushi was waiting for the answer so they decided to answer him. "They're still locked up.." Lucy said as she looked away and atsushi just sigh again. "they will pay the price for hurting you.." Akutagawa said in a serious voice and lucy agreed with him. '..I wonder were they always so overprotective..?' Atsushi thought to him as he stares at his boyfriend and his girlfriend. Lucy and akutagawa looked proud of himself and atsushi just giggled.

"So adorable!" Lucy suddenly said as she hug her boyfriend and akutagawa agreed with her. "You should rest! You need it!" Lucy said, atsushi was still in fact pretty tired so he didn't really argue. Akutagawa just smile and they went to the bedroom. Atsushi obviously lays in the middle and akutagawa is on one of the sides and lucy is on the other side. "" Akutagawa said as he kissed atsushi on the lip and lucy also kissed atsushi on the lip and slowly atsushi fell asleep.

Lucy was now pretty tired so she fell asleep pretty easily and akutagawa also fell asleep pretty easily as well. The people that hurt atsushi didn't get killed but they were severely injured because akutagawa and lucy said they had to pay the price for hurting their boyfriend and the agency obviously accepted the relationship because atsushi is happy and that's all that matters to them.

(😭 So Random to be honest)


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