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Song of the chapter: New Day by Take That


Standing at the desk of the School's reception I stood patiently at the front of the line as I waited to be handed my timetable for all my classes.

"First in line like always Mia" Colby smirked from the side of me as he stood at the front of the secon line waiting for his timetable.

I also smirked as I playfully rolled my eyes and looked away from him to act as if I was ignoring him, which I was.

"Oh how I've missed you ignoring me" Colby laughed.

I bit my lip down as I looked back at the receptionist who now had my timetable. Taking it from her I gave her a smile before saying thankyou.

Just as I was leaving the most annoying voice appeared beside me.

"Show me your classes" Colby smirked as he threw his arm over my shoulder, is comfortable jersey sleeve resting against my bare arm.

"Will you leave me alone if I show you?" I rose my eyebrows as we walked out of the reception and into the semi-busy hallway.

"Only if you're in my English and gym class" he gave me a grin, as he tried to tease me.

I again rolled my eyes before unfolding my timetable. Scanning my eyes across it I looked to see that my favourite lesson, English, was my last period of the day.

"When do you gave English and what class?" I asked.

"Last period, B1" Colby answered as he looked at his timetable while we stopped at my locker.

"Looks like we're going to have to spend our last highschool year together again" I mocked jokingly as I unlocked my locker.

"You can't deny that you don't love it" Colby teased as he lent up the side of my locker.

I didn't answer but instead began pulling my science books out for first period. I couldn't wait to get my last first day over.


"Oh my god" was the first thing I  heard as my bestfriend, Izzy, squealed making her appearance known.

Looking up at her I took another bite out of my green apple as she sat across from me, as we sat in the cafeteria.

"I just had English and oh my god" she squealed again as I rose my eyebrows at her sudden enthusiasm to what she called the most boring subject.

"What about it? I thought you hated English" Charlie read my thoughts as he opened his water bottle.

"The new English teacher is so hot" she beamed dramatically as I tried not to laugh.

"Why didn't we guess that it'd be about a boy?" I teased as I rose my eyebrows .

"This isn't just some boy, this is a man" she exaggerated as she dramatically put her hand on her heart.

I laughed before shaking my head as I took another bite from my apple.

"Let me guess, he's got muscles so he's suddenly hot?" Grayson rolled his eyes at Izzy's flaunting.

"What would you know? At least he can fucking get a girl" Izzy snapped, these two were always bickering.

"Yeah a girl who's fucking underage" Grayson argued back.

"Hey guys, if you're going to argue over how hot this new teacher apparently then I'm going to leave because I've got better things to be doing" I spoke up as I stood up and hooked my bag over my shoulder.

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