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Song of the chapter- New Start by Damien Mcfly

It was only just now that I realised what I had signed myself up for. I'm only 23 years old and I'm about to take the on the single parent life of looking after a 5 month old.

I knew nothing about Bella but I did know that I wanted to be apart of her from this point onwards, me and her forever.

I was now waiting at the airport for Alessia to come and drop Bella off with me.

Sitting in Costa I scrolled through my phone, trying to kill time until they arrived.

Going onto my photos I began scrolling through all the photos from the past year.

There were so many photos of Mia and I, from our days at her house to the days when we went to London together.

Smiling down at the photo of her I still felt all the same things for her. My love for her was still unexplainable and my desire to be with her had never left.

Was I making a mistake? Do I really think I can leave her behind?

"Shawn!" I heard my name called causing my attention to fall off my phone.

Looking up I searched my eyes around the open airport until they found Alessia.

She smiled at me as she held a bag of Bella's stuff over one shoulder while she pushed Bella in a pram, infront of her.

I gave her a smile before standing up and making my way over to the two of them, dragging my luggage along with me.

"How's my girl this morning then?" I smiled brightly as I lent over the pram to see a sleeping Bella.

"She's a little tired and grumpy so good luck flying with her" Alessia laughed lightly as I took the bag from her and put it on my spare shoulder.

"I'm sure we'll be fine" I grinned down at Bella, feeling excited to begin this new chapter of my life.

"Don't ever let anything happen to her Shawn, she's the most precious thing I have" Alessia said softly as she stroked Bella's cheeks with her thumb.

"I won't ever let anything or anyone hurt her, I promise" I said seriously s Alessia looked back at me.

"I really am sorry for everything Shawn" Alessia sighed.

"I know you are" I gave her a tight smile as I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"But thankyou for giving me the most precious thing any one could ever give me" I smiled gratefully at her and she laughed a little, small tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm going to miss you two so much" she whispered as she looked down at the floor then back up at me.

"Come here" I sighed before pulling her into a hug.

Resting my chin on the top of her head we just stood like that for a few minutes, exchanging no words as we let our bodies say goodbye to one another.

[Mia's POV]

"What time does his flight leave?" Hayes asked as the two of us jumped out of his car.

"In about 30 minutes" I said as I quickly checked my watch.

"Come on!" Hayes yelled as she took ahold of my hand before dragging me into the airport.

Hayes and I still weren't on good terms but after he found out that Shawn was leaving he came knocking on my door saying how we couldn't just let him leave.

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