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Song of the chapter: Show Me Love by Sam Feldt

[Shawn's POV]

As the sun rose six in the morning had rolled round to reveal a bright orange sky beaming through window.

I couldn't but smile as the outside light glowed onto Mia's sleeping body. 

Her back was pressed up against mine as her hands rested under the pillow, her silky hair flowing behind her back. I held my arms around her small body as I held her against my chest, not wanting to ever let her go.

My eyes were just about open as I struggled to stay awake but I couldn't bare the thought of closing them again, not unless I had Mia's lips against mine.

Everything felt so right when I was with her


Sitting at the desk of my music room I held my guitar on lap as I rested the guitar pick between my teeth.

Taking one of my hands off my guitar I picked up a pen before letting all the thoughts and feelings leak out from the ink, hitting the page as I easily unravelled a whole verse of lyrics.

Maybe I'm just a kid inlove, maybe I'm just a kid inlove

Oh baby

If this is what it's like falling inlove then I don't ever wanna grow up

Once writing out the main chorus I played the chords, I had previously been working on, along the strings of my guitar.

Once repeating the chords a few times I began signing the chorus. Singing it twice I wrote the verse out again before returning back to my guitar.

[Mia's POV]

I woke up in a daze as my head laid muffled into a soft pillow. Blinking any last bits of sleep out of my eyes I slowly began sitting up, taking my eyes around the room.

I couldn't help but smile as I realised that I was in Shawn's room, in Shawn's bed.

Turning my head to my right Shawn's side of the bed was empty but it was obvious to see that he had previously been laying there.

The covers on his side were scrunched up and there still a head mold in his pillow.

Pulling the duvet off me I was greeted with the cold air of the opened window, which I had opened last night to relax Shawn.

Looking down at my legs they were bare from my midthigh downwards.

Shawn had given me one of his shirts to wear to bed last night as he insisted that it wouldn't be comfortable for me to sleep in jeans, and he was not wrong. I already knew that jeans were hella uncomfortable to sleep in.

His shirt too big for me, but not too big to mean that I was drowning in it as if it were a nightie. It was a comfortable oversized shirt. What made it even better was that it had Shawn's warm, fresh, yet musty scent attached to it.

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