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Song of the chapter- Find my way back to you by Eric Arjes

Sitting in the waiting room my head was completely empty as boredom took over my body.

I had already been waiting an hour for Colby's parents to get here and the only thing here for me to do was to just people watch.

My Mum was sat next to me reading a healthstyle magazine and all of a sudden I felt like a little girl sitting with my Mum, waiting to be called in for my appointment.

"Have you visited Hayes since he's been here?" My Mum asked.

"No I can't bring myself to. I know he's still unconscious but I can't look at him knowing that his bestfriend isn't going to be here when he finally wakes up" I sighed before looking over at her.

"When people are unconscious talking to them helps them because their brain is still active and listening. Just visit him, it'll make you feel better, and for now don't worry about having to tell him anything" My Mum comforted.

I just nodded before looking away to see Colby's parents finally coming through the double doors. Letting out a deep breath I stood up as they saw me.

His Mum looked completely broken. Her eyes were dull and fragile, her skin light and clothes old. His Father looked more awake but I knew that that was just a front, ofcourse he was hurting just as much as the rest of us.

"Mr and Mrs Evans, I'm so sorry for your lost" My Mum comforted as she also stood up, them now infront of us.

"Thankyou" His Father said weakly, his Mum not having anything to say.

"Mia we wanted to to discuss funeral arrangements with you" Mrs Evans, Dawn, broke her silence.

As she said that I widened my eyes a little, shocked at even the mention of it.

"What? Already?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah, there's not much more th police can do with the body so we can start planning the funeral. The sooner this thing happens means the sooner we can move on from this for the better" Daniel, Colby's Father, explained.

And instantly I was taken aback by what he said. He was already thinking about moving on.

"We wanted you to help us arrange it"

"I don't think I can" I said instantly.

They both knitted their eyebrows together in confusion while my Mum went to say something.

"By that I mean I don't want to, it's too soon to say goodbye to him and I'm not ready to move on like the rest of you" I quickly snapped, interfering before anyone put any pressure on me.

"Mia honey-" My Mum said before I sharply cut her off, Colby's parents standing there in some sort of shock.

"No! I can't move on, I won't. You guys may want to forget him but I won't. I can't move on when his bestfriend is lying down the hall on life support, not knowing that when he wakes up Colby is not going to be here anymore!" I lost it as the tears began streaming down my face, everyone's eyes on me.

Everything turned silent and I just scanned my eyes around the room, everyone sitting around and everyone waiting to be checked in staring at me.

As my eyes looked over to the double doors I felt the swell in my chest release as Shawn stood there staring at me. His face was soft and his eyes looked upset.

I looked at him in confusion as he began walking towards us.

"Mr and Mrs Evans I came to pay my condolences to Colby, he was a pleasure to teach" Shawn said sympathetically as he managed to grab their attention.

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