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Song of the chapter: Uncover by Zara Larsson

Stirring the two mugs of hot chocolate I stood at the island of Shawn's kitchen.

"I could have done that, you know?" Shawn yawned as he walked into the kitchen, previously had been setting up netflix.

"It's fine, I do work in a cafe after all" I laughed lightly as I took the spoons out of the mugs before chuking them into the washing up bowl.

Looking back at him he now had a smile across his face as he lent against the door frame, his arms folded while he looked at me.

"What?" I laughed as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"It's just I could get use to seeing you in the kitchen everyday" he smirked through his very evident tired eyes.

"Watch what you say Mendes, remember Hayes lives across the street and if he saw me come in here then it would be game over" I rose my eyebrow at him before passing Shawn one of the mugs.

"Then we'll just have to be extra careful then" he smiled before leaning down and leaving a small peck on my lips.

[Shawn's POV]

My body towered hers as she laid against my chest, both of us laying on the same end of the couch.

The peaceful silence between us settled the room as the TV played quietly infront of us. One of my hands played with her long hair as my other hand rubbed motions on her hand.

It was very late and my eyes were overpowering my ability to stay awake, just wanting to shut so I could fall into another nightmare of sleep.

"Go to sleep Shawn, I'll be here when you wake up" Mia's voice whispered.

I couldn't help but smile at her comfort of telling me what to do, she definitely had a good head above her shoulders.

"Night Mia" I said as my eyes fell shut everything turning into an oblivion of silence.

[Mia's POV]

I woke up to the loud shouting coming above me. As my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, I slowly sat up in confusion of the sudden noise. Looking up Shawn was pacing back and fourth, assertively looking up at the celin as he shouted words.

His hands angrily pulled on his hair  as his eyes clenched shut together, but  his distressed face showed how hard he was trying to open them.

He was trying to free himself from his mind

Standing up from the sofa I carefully took a few steps, hesitating with every move. I was scared of whether Shawn was reflexive during nightmares where he was sleepwalking.

I didn't want to make the wrong move which was set of something he would have no control over.

"Shawn?" I said sternly trying to gain his attention, trying to gain authority over his mind.

He just continued to shout, some sentences I couldn't make out but others were him questioning himself.

"Why me?!" He shouted.

"Shawn, you need to calm down" I rose my voice as I stepped closer to him.

He wasn't aware of my presence, he was trapped in his own mind of paranoia and worry.

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