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Song of the chapter- Anywhere by Rita Ora

As we all sat around the round table I had the most biggest of smiles on my face. The whole day had been perfect, beginning with Shawn and ending with the people I grew up with.

"So Mia how long you going to London for?" Colby asked from across the table, being inbetween Hayes and Charlie.

"Just over five days" I smiled before sipping my non-alcoholic drink.

"Why London?" Hayes asked.

"Because I've always wanted to go there" I shrugged.

"Still haven't changed your mind about coming to me with Jersey then?" Colby rose his eyebrows with a smirk.

I laughed before shaking my head at him.

"I hate sports" I stated.

"Yeah but you're good at it" Grayson said from the side of me.

"Doesn't mean I like it" I laughed and he nodded in agreement.

The talking between six of us was on going as we chatted about the Christmas, the future and anything which came to mind. Thankfully Colby and Grayson were keeping at peace with eachother, which made dinner so much easier.

"What else did he get you then?" Grayson whispered.

Putting my hand In front of her I let him scan the ring.

"Jesus he got you that and a guitar and tickets go Ed Sheehan, I thought teachers wages were crap" Grayson laughed as he my hand with his so he could properly look at the silver ring.

"I couldn't believe it either" I grinned.

"Where did he take you today then? He mentioned taking a boat ride to me" Grayson stated.

Raising my eyebrows at him I was shocked that Shawn and him had been talking about me.

"He kept me after class the other day and asked me about what stuff you liked to do. I told him that your Dad use to take you on boat rides so I guess he decided to do that" Grayson smiled as he let go of my hand.

I smiled widely at him before thanking him.

Hearing the banging of a glass the two of us looked up to see Colby stood up, hitting a spoon against his glass.

"Right I have some words to say so all of you guys are going to listen" Colby rose his eyebrows and we all laughed.

Feeling Grayson's arm over my shoulder I wasn't bothered by it, considering he's always done it since we were both kids.

"Most of us don't actually like each other but we're all here to celebrate Mia's 18th birthday, the girl we all absolutely love" Colby smiled widely at me, being a little tipsy from sneaking in his own alcohol with Hayes.

"You are amazing and you're so strong. Not only have you put up with a lot of shit this year but you have put up with me and I'm thankful for that" He smiled directly at me and I couldn't help but laugh at his slightly slurry voice.

"So if you'd all raise your glasses to our beloved Mia Aniston and to 2018, a year which we are all gonna kill and absolutely smash. Here's to new memories and and a new future together" Colby grinned before sitting down as we all hit our glasses together.

I laughed as I placed my glass down, feeling Colby's eyes on me. Looking over at him he was already grinning at me. I gave him a smile back before returning to eat my food.



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