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Song of the chapter: Come Soon by Vicci Martinez

Slamming the car door behind me I began walking my way up the stairs of the school entrance. Checking my phone it was already 2 in the afternoon which meant that I had already missed halve of English.

Pushing my way through the double doors I was met with an empty and silent hallway, only muffled sounds coming from inside the closed classrooms.

Shoving my phone back in my pocket I quickly walked my way through the hallways until I was near my English class.

Just as I was about to press down on the door handle my eyes were met with Shawn's, his glistening eyes gazing heavily on me, as he stood at his desk with the window of the door being inbetween us.

I stood there for a few seconds, admiring his muscular composure as he lent against the front his desk holding papers in his hands.

My whole body heated up as a smile curved onto his lips, reflecting a shy smile to form onto mine.

Shaking the smile off my face I pressed down on the door handle before pushing the door open. As I entered the room I was suddenly bombarded with questions about Colby.

"How is he?"

"What happened?"

"Was he taking drugs?"

I just stared blankly at everyone, more as if I was a deer in the headlights.

"Guys that's enough, if Mia wants to tell you then she will but if she doesn't then leave her alone" Shawn interrupted the noise as he stood up from his desk.

The room fell silent with a few groans as everyone lounged back into their chairs.

Scanning my eyes across the circle of chairs the only chair free was the one next to Hayes, great.

As I took a seat I felt Hayes take my bag off my shoulder before placing it under my chair.

Looking at him I furrowed eyebrows in confusion as I hooked my leg over the other. As Hayes eyes fell back onto me he gave me a comforting smile obviously taking me a back by his sudden kindness. After a few seconds of shock I gave him a small smile before turning my attention back onto Shawn.

"Sir?" Hayes called, Shawn's eyes removing from me and over to Hayes.

"Yes Hayes?" Shawn replied as he stood up from his desk.

"Can we please not have a debate today? It just doesn't feel right" Hayes explained as a slight sad expression stained his face.

Focusing my attention onto Hayes he looked somewhat devasted and drained. Even though Colby and Hayes argued I knew how close they were and I couldn't imagine the feeling he felt last night when his bestfriend wasn't breathing.

Without hesitation I draped my hand over Hayes before tightly squeezing it. I felt his body jolt at my touch to which I ignored, I just wanted him to feel as if his feelings were cared about.

"Ofcourse Hayes, I think it's a hard and strange day for all of us. Let's all just have a relaxed and quiet lesson, it's what you all obviously need right now" Shawn sighed as he looked at out all of us, all of us sitting quietly in our chairs.

Yes Colby was fine and yes he was alive but when someone as great and loved as Colby is hurt or rushed into hospital, it really has an affect on those around you. After all everyone in this school had such a warm or unconditional love for Colby.

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