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Song of the chapter: I Try by Macy Gray, covered by Jasmine Thompson


Standing in the cold wind the night hung over the pitch as the tall lights blasted over the grounds and stands. I stood on the sidelines with the rest of the cheer team as the pitch was empty, both soccer teams rallying up on the sides.

Stretching my arms I felt the wind rise up my legs and under my skirt, instantly sending shivers up my spine.

As I scanned my eyes across the field my eyes found themselves latching onto Colby. He was chatting to Grayson, which looked to be in a civilised manner.

I watched as they shook hands which instantly made a small smile curve onto my lips but it soon faded as I realised that I had pretty much shut Grayson out since I had been with Colby, where as Grayson was always the one who had my back through highschool.

"What's with the sad face?" A voice broke me from my thoughts causing me to turn round, my high ponytail flipping past my shoulder.

My eyes matched Shawn, his almost crystal like eyes burning into mine. I admired his denim jacket which covered a plain white top before noticing his perfectly styled curly hair.

Is there anything he can't wear?

"I'm fine, just a little nervous" I lied, even is I was nervous.

"I'm sure you'll do fine. You always know how to light up a crowd" Shawn smiled as we naturally started walking.

I smiled shyly at what Shawn said as we walked behind the bleachers, the darkness shining over both of us.

"Why do you do that?" I laughed shyly as crossed my arms, so I could warm up.

"Do what?" He laughed as his wide smile looked down at me, making me straight away divert my eyes forward.

"Say stuff like that" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Why do you not like it?" he said before coming to a stop.

"No it's not that it's just-" I replied looking up at his confused expression, which had now fallen into dismay.

"Because I'm your teacher" he finished off my sentence as he shoved his hands into his pockets, biting on his lip in dissapointment.

"It's just you know, it's wrong?" I said more as a question, instantly feeling bad for the expression the I was now faced with.

"Wrong? Is that really what you think this is Mia?" he snapped before throwing his arms in the air.

"Don't you?" I said softly as he turned his back to me, taking random steps in aggravation.

He didn't reply but instead stood facing anywhere but me, his hands resting coldly in his pockets.

"I'm your student Mr Mendes and whatever it is you think or want to happen between us, it can't" I sighed.

"Don't call me that" he gritted his teeth.

"Why not? It's how it should be, isn't it?" I was left with no reply, cold silence between us with only the rallying echoing around us.

"I wish it wasn't" Shawn sighed as he held his head up, looking at the dark sky.

"And so do I" my voice softened as I took a few steps back before turning around and walking from out of under the bleachers.

I felt my eyes become glossy as the beaming lights surrounded me. Blinking a few times my tears dried up before any pathetic cries could be broken.

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