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Song of the chapter- TNHMB by Shawn Mendes

"You're such a bad thrower!" Shawn laughed as yet again he missed catching a marshmallow in his mouth.

"Don't blame my throwing on your catching" I rose my eyebrows with a laugh as I held the bag of marshmallows.

"Whatever babe, you keep believing that" Shawn smirked.

Taking a handful of marshmallows in my hand I threw them at Shawn's face, causing him to gasp at the sudden action.

As they landed in his lap he looked over at me with a devious smirk.

I gave him a smug smile before placing the bag next to me. Moving from where he was sat he shifted across the floor until he was sat in front of me.

"You look you're humping the floor when you do that" I laughed loudly.

He chuckled too before going back to the same devious smirk.

"I know something else I'd love to do that to" Shawn smirked and my jaw dropped.

"I'm joking Mia" He laughed before pulling me onto his lap by pulling me by my legs.

"But how do I know you're telling  truth?" I rose my eyebrows as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Because I'm your boyfriend" he shrugged simply with a smile.

I smiled at him before looking back at the tv, the movie Jack Frost playing.

"This is such as a sad movie" I stated as I moved my arms so they were against Shawn's chest as I snuggled my head against him.

"I know, like isn't Christmas suppose to be happy? But instead the kids father died" Shawn said as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

I nodded as I continued to watch the movie until I felt Shawn kiss my forehead.

"Thankyou for tonight" I whispered as I lofted my head up to look at him.

"You don't need to thank me Mia, it's my job to protect you" Shawn smiled as he moved his hand to the back of my head, massaging through my hair.

"I love you" I smiled, feeling like I hadn't said it in such a long time.

He smiled widely before connecting his lips onto mine, soon our kiss becoming in sinc with one another's.

He pushed harder causing me to fall back slightly but his free hand rested on my back to hold me up. Tugging at his shirt he helped me to pull it off before returning his hands to my back as mine remained on his chest.

Feeling a sudden urge of confidence I managed to dominate the kiss before pushing harder against his lips. Using my hands I pushed him back to he would lay on the floor.

As he hit the floor our lips parted and he laughed as he looked up at me, his eyes beaming with lust and love.

I smiled before taking my hands off his chest and trailing them down his abs until they reach the top of his jeans. Looking down at them I then looked back at Shawn with a smile. Taking my hands I unbuckled his belt before unzipping his jeans.

"Mia, what are you doing?" Shawn laughed.

"Returning the favour" I simply smiled.


Sitting in the cafertia I sat across from Izzy as I listened to her talk about how she was going away for Christmas to New York with her parents.

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