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Song of the chapter: Compass by Forever In Your Mind

That heavy knock on the door almost made me want to vomit. I guess I was just nervous to talk to one the person I was scared to lose most in this world, Colby.

You were probably expecting me to say Shawn? I mean he's the one I'm falling for, right? Yes I'm falling helplessly for him but I don't love him, my love still belongs with Colby and god forbid if I were to ever lose him.

Colby was my anchor, he always knew how to pull me back from the edge

Pulling open my tall front door I was met with Colby's figure. He had his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans, he now wore a navy green hoodie and his hair looked more scruffy then before.

I just stood and looked at him, taking in every feature. I didn't want to ever stop looking.

Shut up Mia, you're with Shawn now.

Actually I'm not with Shawn, we just have a desire to pursue one another

It's still wrong for you to want any other guy, Shawn's the one you want

Yes I want him, and only him

"Can I come in? It's kind of cold out here" Colby gave me a goofy smile.

I couldn't help but give him a small smile before moving out the way so he could come into my house.

As I shut the door behind us I turned around to see his eyes wondering all the way around the halls, looking at everything with his full attention.

"Nothings changed since you last came over" I shrugged.

"I know, it just feels like I haven't been here in ages" he laughed lightly.

"Let's just get this talk over and done with shall we? I've kind of got plans straight after this" I bit my lips before leading Colby into the kitchen.

"Plans on a Monday night? After 9?" Colby rose his eyebrows at me as we both sat at the island of my kitchen, again across from eachother.

"Plans to sleep, I've got a day of revision tomorrow with my maths tutor" I rolled my eyes.

"Already, it's not even the new year and they're already making you study for finals?" Colby gasped.

"Yeah, I mean I'm not surprised. Everyone knows how shit I am at maths" I playfully rolled my eyes, a laugh emerging from Colby.

The room then fell into silence, not comfortable silence either. It was uncomfortable and it felt awkward to be alone in eachothers presence again.

"So I guess I should explain myself" he let out a massive sigh as he rested his chin on his intertwined hands.

I didn't answer but instead I just left him to talk.

"So the steroids came about in the middle of summer. During my week away to the Hamptons I ran into this guy at the gym and went on about how amazing these steroids were, and how they really help your fitness levels and whole stamina. Me being the stupid idiot I am I bought a good load off him" he explained.

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