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Song of the chapter- Drag me down by One Direction

[Shawn's POV]

Standing at the door frame of the kitchen I held my beer in my hand as I spoke to my Dad from across the kitchen, him being busy cutting stuff for the salad.

"So when are you heading back up to Toronto?" Dad asked, glancing up at me before going back to looking at the tomatoes as he cut them.

"If that's okay with you I might stay here until the Winter term starts. In about a week or two" I replied, taking a generous sip of my drink.

"Ofcourse that's fine Shawn, you know how much we love having you here" My Dad smiled at me.

I smiled back before direction my attention over to the the long dining room table as Aaliyah spoke up.

"Speak for yourself Dad" she joked as she finished setting up the table with Mum.

"You miss me when I'm not here" I chuckled as Aaliyah rose her eyebrows at me in challenge.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" she shrugged before laying the last napkin down.

"Just you wait" I laughed before placing my beer down and giving Aaliyah a devilish smirk, as she stood looking at me from behind one of the chairs.

I then raced towards her but she ran around the table, the two of us running laps around it.

"Guys,be careful!" Mum sighed as she moved out of the way.

I then grabbed Aaliyah before trapping her in my arms, her squeals filling the room as I chuckled loudly.

I used my hand to mess up her hair, her squeals and laughter becoming louder.

"Want to take that back yet?" I laughed as I safely held my arm around her neck, Aaliyah's hands holding onto my to try to make me let go of her.

"Never!" She exclaimed as she struggled in my grip.

"Mia! Would you mind coming in here to sort your boyfriend out?" My Mum called out for Mia, now standing next to Dad as he wrapped his arm around her waist.

I smiled at that before laughing at how I now heard Mia's footsteps leading down the hall from the living room, where she had been chatting with my aunties, uncles, cousins and grandparents.

Looking to the doorway I waited until Mia appeared and soon she did.

She looked directly at me, a smile already being present on her face.

"Shawn" she gave me a stern look, her eyebrows raised.

"Mia" I returned the exact same look but with a smirk.

Mia gave me the eyes, the eyes that told me all. She was giving me a deal, a deal of if I let her go tonight will definitely be 'special'.

And no, not that special.

I smirked before letting Aaliyah go, her sighing in relief before running over to the side of Mum.

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