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Song of the chapter- Tell me you love me by Demi Lovato

Standing at my locker I could feel someone's eyes burning into my back.

Placing my books into my locker I turned my head round a little to see Grayson looking at me as he stood at the otherwise of the locker, filling his locker with books.

We hadn't spoken since the night of him accusing Shawn and I of having a thing. I had to act as if I was mad at him and as if it was the most disgusting thing to think.

I watched as he closed his locker before he eventually began walking over to me, placing one hand in his pocket as his other hand held the strap of his bag.

Closing my locker I turned around to face him. He looked at me with the most apologetic eyes as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Look, I don't want us to carry on ignoring each other because after spending my first break from school without seeing you once I've realised how much I need you in my life on the daily. So can we please just forget about what happened because to be honest I feel embarrassed to even have thought that that was going on" Grayson rambled on, his voice being clearly pleading and apologetic.

I hesitated a few seconds as I looked at him, just taking in how sorry hand ashamed he looked.

God, it killed to know he felt sorry for a lie I told him.

Eventually I gave him a small smile before opening my mouth to speak.

"I think that I can get passed it, I mean you are my bestfriend after all" I smiled and to that a grin began forming onto Grayson's face.

"Good, now come here and give me a hug. I atleast need some sort of reassurance" Grayson smiled before stepping towards me and holding his arms open.

I playfully rolled my eyes before walking into his arms, allowing his strong aftershave to suffocate me.

Looking over his shoulder I watched as the door of Shawn's classrooms opened to reveal him carrying a stack of books.

Even if he liked to think he was strong, and yes of course strong but in this case he was struggling to hold the weight of four classes worth of books.

Still in a hug with Grayson I smirked to myself as I watched Shawn struggle to close the the door behind him, his face clearly showing how flustered he felt.

"Here, let me close it for you" a blonde girl smiled as walked her way over to Shawn, clicking on her heels as she practically strutted as if she was some of super model.

This ofcourse made my smile fade as I narrowed my eyes at the two.

Those blonde curls, that pale skin and mini skirt. I knew who that girl was, it was the girl from the party, it was the girl Colby was so desperate to get with.

What the hell what she doing here?

Shawn smiled back at her before chuckling a little.

"Yeah that'd be very helpful, thanks alot" Shawn smiled as he moved to the side so she could shut the door.

Pulling out the hug I continued to watch the two as Grayson muffled words to me before leaving, none of which I listened to.

Folding my arms I opened my locker back open and pretended to be using it, just to give me a reason to listen to Shawn and this girls conversation.

"I see you look very busy" she smiled, I new flirty eyes when I saw them.

"Oh yeah I am, kind of what comes with being a teacher" Shawn laughed as he looked down at the pile of books before looking back at her.

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