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Song of the chapter: I Hurt by Brooke Hyland


I rested my head on Colby's chest as his heartbeat felt so calm. As one of his hands used the TV remote he began playing with my curly hair with his other hand.

"So do you want to watch grease or dirty dancing?" Colby broke the peaceful silence.

"Whatever you want to watch" I said quietly, having to no effort to move or speak.

"No, I asked what you wanted to watch" Colby laughed lightly as he continued to rub his hands through my hair.

"I don't care" I whispered as I closed my eyes before burying my head into the top of his chest.

Feeling Colby shuffle a little I felt him sit up a little, my head still remaining on his chest.

"Hey, are you okay? You seem quiet" Colby asked sweetly.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired. That's all" I gave Colby a small smile as I opened my eyes to match his gaze.

"Don't lie to me Mia, something's obviously on your mind" Colby gave me a smile as he laced his hand with mine.

Shifting off his chest I layed flat on my back as I looked up at him before taking a sigh.

"It's just I can't stop thinking about what happened in English" I sighed.

"Mr Mendes looked as if he was threatened and as if he had saw something daunting" I continued.

"Why are you worrying about him? He's our teacher, he's trained to keep his private life separate from school. I'm sure that he's old enough to look after himself" he smiled before laughing a little at the end.

"Just because someone's older then us, it doesn't mean that they are suffering any differently" I said Colby massaged my hand.

"Why do you care so much?" He asked as he knitted his eyebrows together.

"I only care because I feel like some part of that conversation was personal go him and if it is then that guy seriously needs some support. I can't imagine anything worse then having someone in your life commit suicide" I explained with such sympathy in my voice.

"It's not your problem Mia, even I find it so damn hot when you care to much" Colby smirked as he kissed the knuckles of hand.

I playfully rolled my eyes before unwillingly smiling at how charming he was.

"Now give me a kiss and let me make all your worries go away" he grinned as he crawled onto the top of me, making sure none of his weight was on top of me.

"God, you're so cringe" I laughed.

"But you love it" he smirked before patterning kisses across my face and all the way down to my neck.

"How can a jock be so sweet and attractive all at once?" I laughed I layed in pleasure from his fresh kisses.

I heard him muffle a laugh against my skin as he continued to kiss along my kiss, sucking against my tender and sweet spots.

A week later

[Shawn's POV]

Even though I had had atleast another four lessons of English with Mia, we still hadn't talked to eachother. She wouldn't even look at me, I mean I guess it was understandable considering I snapped at her for no reason the other day. All she was doing was looking out for me.

"Morning class, today we're going to read our essays on a personal experience someone could experience" I smiled as I lent my back against the front of my desk.

Suddenly there were mixed reactions from across the room.

"I promise you that whatever is said in this room will stay in this room and if I find out that it does go anywhere past these walls then there will be serious consequences" I reassured them all before pushing my sleeves further up my arms.

"Who'd like to go first?" I asked as I focused my attention to Mia who was looking straight at me, more as in a glare.

"How about you Mia? I know how much you love to express and hear personal experiences" I smiled as I folded my arms.

"My pleasure" she shrugged before standing up, pulling her paper infront of her view.

By my surprise she was actually confident to share what she had written, maybe she really did believe that everyone's story needed to be heard.

"What's makes a parent? Well that's a question I ask myself everyday; are you a parent just because your in my blood? Are you a parent because your names on my birth certificate? No, that does not make you a parent. You are not my parent if I never chose to accept you as someone who I could love and depend on when I'm feeling down" she began her essay, instantly making me fascinated by her words.

"Junior prom was last year and I also scored a place on the cheer team. I got my first job at the cafe at down at the start of summer" she continued making me smile at the memory of the cafe.

"I even became an auntie" her voice softened.

"You could have been a Grandad if you had just saved yourself from paying one last visit to the hospital her voice eventually cracked as I watched her eyes become glossy.

Her story was so intriguing and passionate as I began to realise how personal and close to the heart she was speaking from. In a weird way I felt a connection to what she was saying, in a way that I felt her pain.

"You promised that you'd be there at to watch all my assemblies, you promised that you'd be there to hold my hand at my senior prom but most importantly you promised me that you'd be there to watch me graduate" I watched a tear collapsed down the side of her cheek, her voice barely managing to hold on but she still remained determined to carry on.

"Even if those days aren't here yet I already know that you'll never be one who I look for in a crowded room because you're gone. You're gone because of a selfish addiction which cost you your life" her voice continued to crack as I bit my lip, feeling a lump in my throat build up.

I wasn't going to cry, her speech just gave me chills.

"So I guess I should be asking what doesn't make a parent because at the end of the day my whole life has only shown me one side of people's negative choices, which I have always been the reoccurring damage of. I'll finish wish saying this" she wiped her eyes as she pulled herself together.

"Just because you love someone it doesn't mean that it's meant to be. It's the same thing for a parent and child. Just because you love someone of the same blood as you, it doesn't mean that they automatically deserve the right to own apart of your life" she finished following by silence taking over the room.

A smile grew onto my face as I watched Mia quickly sat back down.

"That was amazing Mia" I complimented as I clapped my hands, following by the rest of the class to applaud.

Looking at Mia she gave a small and shy smile before looking away and diverting her eyes out the window.

As another student stood up to read their essay my focus remained on Mia's small and sweet posture. She was sat behind her desk staring thoughtfully outside of the window.

Those words she had just spoken had opened a whole over world for me, they were words of wisdom from a 17 year old. A 17 year old who had me captured in her memorising way of thinking.

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