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Song of the chapter: Renegade by Cimorelli

[Shawn's POV]

I held her body close against mine as I slowly woke up from one the best  nights sleep I had had in ages. There was no stirring or nightmares but instead I was at peace sleeping next to her the whole night.

Her back layed against my bare chest as my arms wrapped comfortably around her waist, my head resting behind hers. She was still fast sleep as she sunk her head into the pillow.

I had managed to undress her from her dress and instead put her in my hoodie that I gave her, which she had packed in her suitcase. I weren't sure whether to get her changed because I didn't want to invade the privacy of her body but I thought the comfort for her would be more pleasurable.

Besides she was covered so it was not like I saw anything that she wouldn't want be to see, but I'm not kidding when I say that she looked insanely hot.

In the middle of the night Mia barely moved postions as she never moved from arms, all she done was tangle her legs with mine.

As my eyes finally woke up I looked over at the window as bright light shined through the curtain. I didn't want to go back home, I just wanted Mia and I to stay in this hotel room forever.

Eventually after another hour the beauty of Mia was finally awaking. I heard a few groans and stirring as she grumpily moved about in the bed until she was facing me.

She hadn't opened her eyes but instead she buried her head into my chest, obviously not wanting to wake up. I laughed lightly at how important sleep was to her and how grumpy she would get if she was ever deprived of it.

"We've got plans today Mia" I smiled as I began playing with her hair.

"Do we have to go?" She groaned quietly as her voice muffled against my chest.

"I'm afraid so, after all you're the one who suggested for us to go out with Dylan and my other friends" I smirked and again she groaned.

"Promise to never let me drink again" Mia said as she rested her hand on my stomach.

"Never" I smirked to which she laughed a little at.

"Now open yours eyes and give me a kiss so I can fall inlove with those eyes" and as soon as I said that she blushed.

Her eyes opened before looking up a me as she smiled shyly.

Her eyes were super blue today and god was I so attracted to them.

"Oh yeah, I'm definitely inlove with them" I smirked before connecting my lips onto hers, feeling the smile on her lips.

And soon as lips were moving back and fourth, my tongue fighting dominance as it emerged her mouth. For just this once I let her take control of the kiss, I knew it gave her the confidence she needed and it made her feel good to overpower me sometimes.

She then moved over so her body was now on top of mine as my body layed flat beneath her. Not once did she break the kiss as she pushed the duvet off the two of us. I let my hands roam under her hoodie as thy began traveling over her back.

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