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Song of the chapter: For You by James TW

Chucking my halve eaten ready meal into the bin I heard the front door being knocked rapidly on.

Furrowing my eyebrows I chucked the spoon into the sink before walking out of the kitchen. Reaching the front door I pulled it open to be met with an anxious looking Shawn.

Before I could get any words out he walked straight into my ,empty, house as I closed the door behind him.

Turning back round to look at him he just looked at me with worry in his eyes.

Parting my lips I went to speak but I was cut off by Shawn's lips as they crashed against mine.

As his lips finally released mine I looked up at him, more concern growing in my eyes.

"I had to do that, I mean if this is my last night of living a normal life then I want to spend it with you because who knows what's going to happen tomorrow" Shawn whispered as he laced his hands with mine.

"Since when has any of our lives ever been normal?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

He sighed before pulling me into his arms, tightly holding me close to his chest.

I let myself remain in his arms, I was worried but more confused on what Shawn was feeling right now.

He held me as if he was too afraid to ever let me go.

"He won't do anything, I promise. I know hin better then anyone and he'll talk to me before he does anything" I explained before looking up at Shawn.

"And what are you suppose to say if he does talk to you about it?" Shawn worried.

"Don't worry, he won't find out the truth" I gave him a comforting smile, placing my hand on his cheek before reaching up and pecking his lips.

[Shawn's POV]

In the past few hours Mia had managed to calm my nerves, somewhat making me push the Grayson situation to the back of my mind.

"Which one? Monopoly or Guess Who?" Mia rose her eyebrows as she held two board games up, as she walked back into the living room.

"Guess Who, I mean does anyone know how to actually play monopoly properly?" I laughed.

"That's what I've always said" she laughed lightly before sitting across to me, crossing her legs as we sat on the rug.

Sitting with my legs stretched out I lent back on my hands, admiring Mia as she set up the game.

Her hair flowed down one side of her body as she wore my hoodie with black, white outlined, shorts on her legs.

I just wanted her, I wanted her there and then.

"To be honest I don't think guess who really counts as a board game" Mia said she looked down the game, putting up all the people.

"I guess not" I smiled to which she playfully rolled her eyes at.

"I bet you were such a nerd at school" she laughed as her blue eyes beamed up at me.

"Says the one who gets A's on every subject apart from maths" I smirked to which I felt one of the cards hit against my arm.

"Ow! Card hurts, you know?" I gasped as I held my hand on where Mia had thrown the card

"You're such a big baby" she again playfully rolled her eyes.

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