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Song of the chapter- Story of My Life by One Direction


Hitting the shot glass against the table I coughed slightly as the hot liquor remained stinging down my throat.

"Oh my god, that is disgusting" Shawn coughed while chuckling, also placing his shot glass onto the table.

"I told you not to buy any more shots" I laughed as I rose my eyebrows at him, hooking my leg across the other as the two of us sat either side of the table.

"Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop" Shawn smirked before calling the waitress back over and ordering another round of shots.

Once the waitress left Shawn turned back to look at me with a smile, my eyebrows still raised as I continued to smile in amusement at him.

"Do you wanna do something?" Shawn smirked at me, his eyebrows teasingly raising at me.

I knitted my eyebrows together at him as I smiled in confusion, only causing him to laugh.

"Meet me in that room in 5 minutes" Shawn smirked as he gestured to a closed door of the club.

Shawn then got up and walked off, discreetly opening the door before closing it behind him.

After five minutes I finally got up and as I did the waitress arrived with out shots.

Once she left I quickly picked up each glass, downing each one as fast as I could.

Struggling to suppress a cough I picked up my purse before walking my way across the dance floor and towards the door.

I struggled to push my way through all the dancing people, everyone grinding on eachother from being completely intoxicated by all the alcohol.

Finally pushing my way through all the people I managed to reach the door. Pulling the door open I opened it slightly before sneaking into the room.

As I closed the door I felt Shawn's hands hold onto either side of my waist before moving down onto my arse.

"Lock the door" Shawn whispered, his breath hot agaisnt my skin as he neared his head to neck.

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