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Song for the chapter: Never Be Alone by Shawn Mendes

As I waited a the bottom of the pole I held my arms out as Eden tried to reach the top of the pole from the platform she was stood on.

"Ready?" I smiled up at her.

She nodded before jumping onto the pole, my hands holding onto her as she slid to the bottom.

Her giggles became loud as she ran from my arms and straight back to the playground stairs.

I laughed before shaking my head as I walked over to the bench which was inside of the the fenced off park, grass patches surrounding the outside of it.

Taking a seat I made sure to keep my eyes on Eden as she continued to happily play on her own, that's one thing she had definitely gotten off Caleb. Caleb and I were always bought up on being independent.

That's what happens when you grow up with a single parent, as their child you have to partly take on the responsibility of the missing parent while trying to tackle the social life of being a teenager.

Feeling arms wrap around me from behind my body instantly became tense at the sudden body contact.

"Calm down, it's only me" Shawn's voice whispered as he soothed my arms with his hands.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I sighed as I relaxed in his touch, a smile growing onto my lips as my eyes still remained glued onto Eden.

"Well I was out for a late night walk and couldn't help but notice you sitting here all alone" He smiled into my ear before pressing a soft kiss onto my head.

"I'm not alone, my niece is over there" I laughed lightly.

Looking up at him he looked at Eden smiling before looking down at me, the shine of moon cascading across his eyes.

His hair laid scruffily on his head as his hood rested on top of it.

He then let go of me before hoisting himself over the fence, his feet landing onto the bench.

As he plunged down next to me he put his hood down before brushing his hand through his brown locks.

"I love it when it's dark" Shawn sighed with a relaxed smile as his hand held so delicately onto mine.

"I know, everything seems so peaceuful" I smiled as I took in the night air.

"It's the peace of being alone, it's a very different feeling of being lonely. Being lonely is where you can feel it in your gut" Shawn's thoughts began waterfalling out.

Turning to look up at him his eyes just looked up at the stars, the coldness in his face so evident from his paleness.

Everything was just silent around us, only the sounds of quiet mature surrounding us and the small steps of Eden's feet.

The clear water sheeted over Shawn's eyes as he tried to blink away any tears from falling.

I knew exactly why he was on a late night walk, he was visiting her

"It's okay for you to miss her" I whispered, trying to show comfort in my words.

Taking his hand in mine I felt his fingers intertwine with mine, his thumb tracing over one of my knuckles.

"Why won't this feeling go away? Everytime I'm with you I think I'm over it but when it's just me on my own it all just comes back, all the thoughts and dreadful nights of regrets" Shawn explained as he let out a deep breath, that breath you have to take when you're fighting the urge to cry.

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