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Song of the chapter- Safe Inside by James Arthur

"Today I will need you all to get into groups where you'll be expected to complete your new English assignment together" Shawn smiled as he stood at the front of the class.

Resting my head on my hand I admired him from my seat, I was completely and utterly obsessed with him. Just looking at him made every nightmare vanish from my mind.

"And before you guys start picking your partners, I have already out you into groups and I will not be changing them" Shawn rose his eyebrow at Colby and Hayes, who I heard from from behind me.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Amelia raise her hand. Looking over at her she sat in the front row, pulling her mini skirt further up her thigh just so she could tease Shawn.

I didn't know if I felt jealous or felt embarrassed for her, after all both Shawn and I know that I'll be the one who will be getting with him when we go home.

"Yes Amelia?" Shawn said.

"I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it, you see I've only been here a day" she bit down on her lip as she stared at him.

"Don't worry Amelia, no excuses needed because I've put you in a good group to make sure you get the work done" Shawn replied with a smile before scanning his eyes casually around the room before they landed on me.

Once his eyes found mine he frimmed even wider before walking behind his desk and sitting back down in his chair.

"If I'm not with Mia then I swear to god I'm moving classes" Grayson stated causing Shawn to chuckle, me to only playfully roll my eyes.

"I couldn't risk that could I Grayson? Don't worry, I'd never separate you two" Shawn rolled his eyes, laughing lightly.

Shawn eventually read out the group's and to be fair my group was fine. I was with Grayson, Colby and one of the quiet girls of the class, Hetti.

But as for Grayson and Colby they both weren't too happy to be in the same group, they were already bickering and the four of us were just sitting with eachother. Shawn knew these two didn't like eachother so would he make this harder for us?


[Shawn's POV]

Holding onto my pull up bar I pulled myself up and down, refusing to let my feet touch the floor. Wearing only my shorts I felt only heat and sweat radiate off my body.

I like to say I'm strong but after not working out since I was with Alessia I've now realised how unfit I let myself become. I mean of course I was going to change that, after all I've got Mia to impress and even though she's my girlfriend I still have such a bad crush on her, meaning I only want to impress her more.

Besides the motivation of Mia I wanted to work out for myself, considering I forgot how great it felt to work for something.

I could feel the veins practically pumping out of my arms as I refused to stop, well that was until I was interrupted.

Hearing my laptop go off, it was indicating that I someone was trying to face time me.

Letting go of my bar I let my feet hit the ground, groaning in release as I walked in sweat over to my laptop.

It was Mia calling.

Pressing answer her face soon appeared across the screen, my face being broadcasted back to her.

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