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Song of the chapter: Missing by Forever In Your Mind


I waited with anticapation from the sidlines as I watched both teams run across the pitch, yelling and shouting for the ball.

I clasped my hands together infront of me as I watched with such desparation as Charlie ran down the the pitch with the ball going from foot to foot.

"Cooper, over here! I'm open!" Colby shouted as he waved his arm wide in the air before running nearer the goal.

I felt the rush of wind pass me as everyone behind me stood up from their seats, people raising their hands to their heads in anticapation of whether Colby was going to make the goal.

He had 10 seconds left of the the first halve to shoot, our school not having scored any goals against the other school who had already scored three goals.

"Come on Colby!" People shouted from the crowd, his name echoing from person to person in a mass of loud noise.

As Colby flung is leg forward I watched as the ball booted into the air. Just as it was about to shoot into the goal the goal keeper jumped up and cradled the ball into his chest.

I let out a groan before putting my head in my hands from embarrassment that my school had not yet even scored one goal.

I heard the groans and curses from behind as I looked up from my hands to see both teams exiting off each side of the pitch so they could have a break.

All but one left the pitch. There stood Colby with his head layed frustratedly in his hands, as he crouched on the ground.

I bit my lip as I watched him crouch there in such shame and dissapointment.

I felt my shoulder being lightly brushed past causing my head to look round. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as Shawn walked ahead of me and in the direction of Colby, him obviously being the one who had very slightly pushed pass me.

[Shawn's POV]

Once deliberately knocking Mia's shoulder I continued my way over to the direction of Colby, completely disregarding Mia.

Putting my hands in my pocket I continued to walk over to the dissapointed Colby, his head still angrily resting against his intertwined hands.

Rubbing my chin with the back of my hand I came to a halt as I stood next to Colby. Looking down at him he didn't move from his crouched position.

"What do you want?" He said coldly as he dragged his hand roughly through his hair.

"Well you've been sitting here for the last five minutes and everyone else is off the pitch" I laughed a little, trying to brighten up the mood.

"I've let everyone down" he shook his head.

"You haven't let anyone down, besides you've still got the second halve to play yet" I sighed

"I fucking messed up such an easy shot, how the hell am I suppose to get into New Jersey College of Sports if I can't even make a pass?" He cursed as he ruggedly rose his head from his hands to look up at me, his eyes red.

"It's the first game of the championships, you've got plenty more chances to earn your place at the college, I mean it's not like there are people from the college here tonight" I explained, joining my hands together.

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