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Song of the chapter- The Best You Had by Nina Nesbitt

Sitting on the couch, which layed along the living room window, I stared outside as snow fell from the sky.

It had already settled a fair few inches and it was completely blissful out there.

I was still at Grayson's house but he was still yet to come home meaning it was only Harry and I.

He was in the kitchen making us some drinks after insisting on making me a chocolate, saying now I needed a hot drink. I had told him everything, everything apart from who the ex was.

I couldn't tell him that my ex was my teacher because who knows how he'll react? Shawn is nothing to me anymore but instead he was now back to being Mr Mendes, and only Mr Mendes.

I say that he means nothing to me anymore but deep inside he meant the absolute world and it was killing me to try not love him anymore.

Yes I hate him for what he did, but hate can't just automatically replace love.

I felt numb just sitting here staring out the window. I felt beyond alone and it was suffocating me. Even if I had people to talk to, it's not the same when no one can understand how I'm feeling.

The only person who understands is Shawn, the one person who hurt me the most.

I missed Colby, I missed Shawn and I missed everything. I missed how everything use to be.

Here I am sat here in a house that's not even my own. I'm in a house where I slept with by bestfriend purely for a distraction and a breather.

I know I didn't care about it when it was happening but for some reason I did now. I felt guilty for moving on that quick when goodness knows what Shawn is thinking right now.

Wiping my sleeve along my cheek I wiped away my small tears as I heard footsteps begin coming down the hallway.

Looking towards the door way of the living room Harry came in holding two mugs with a big smile on his face.

"Here you go Aniston" he smiled before passing the mug into my hands.

I gave him a small smile as I cradled the mugs warmth.

"Thanks" I said quietly as Harry perched beside me.

He let out a sigh before we both took a sip of our drinks.

"I do love the snow" Harry exclaimed.

I looked up at him to see his head turned as he stared out the window.

"Yeah it's nice" I simply replied.

We both continued to watch the snow in comfortable silence, the constant falling of flakes never failing to make Harry smile.

He was definitely a dork, but one of those attractive dorks. He just looked so at ease with everything. He was just so layed back and was so very different from Grayson.

"Hey Mia do you-" Harry turned to me but before he could finish his sentence we were interrupted by the front door slamming hard.

Both knitting our eyebrows together we looked towards the doorway to see Grayson storming down the hallway, taking off his snowy coat in the process.

"Gray?" I questioned as I reached down and placed my mug on the coffee table.

"That fucking dickhead tried to blame you! Can you actually believe that?" Grayson shouted in anger as he threw his coat onto the back of the sofa.

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