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Song of the chapter: Real by Years & Years


As the last bell of the day rung I quickly got up from my seat before grabbing my bag.

"All enjoy your weekend off, Mia could you please wait behind at the end?" Mr Mendes shouted across the class.

I instantly rolled my eyes as I slipped my English book back into my bag.

"Call me tonight, there's a party at Elliot's" Colby whispered in my ear before giving me a sweet smile.

I nodded before giving him a small smile before watching him leave the classroom with everyone else. Now left was just Mr Mendes and I.

As Mr Mendes stood up from his desk he walked over to the classroom before gently closing it.

I awkwardly walked over to the front of his desk while we walked around to the other side of it before sitting down.

"Take a seat Mia" he smiled before laughing lightly.

"No thanks, I don't plan on staying long" I shook my head before uncomfortably folding my arms.

"You will if you want to hear what I've got to say" he rose his eyebrows, not seductively or teasingly but in a reassuring way.

I again rolled my eyes before pulling up a chair to his desk and taking a seat once I had took my bag of my shoulder.

"What you read earlier was outstanding Mia" Mr Mendes exaggerated as he revealed nothing but an impressed expression on his face.

"Thankyou" I nodded slightly as he lent his arms on the table, his visible muscles flexing through his shirt.

"It really was Mia, it had so much passion and drive. The way you spoke those words added to every emotion that you wrote on this page" he flaunted at my work as he look down at my essay which he had infront of him.

"God you already sound like you've been teaching English for years" I couldn't help but laugh.

He joined my laughter as he looked up at me and lent forward in back in his chair.

"I've been thinking about what you said the other day" he suddenly said.

"And?" I rose my eyebrow.

"I want to take you somewhere" he answered as he sat forward in his chair.

I rose my eyebrows at him as I slightly smirked.

"No Mia, not like that. Let's think of it more as a trip explore personal stories" he laughed before standing up.

"And whose personal story are we exploring today?" I smiled, my eyes looking at him with curiosity.

"Mine" he said before pulling his cars keys out his desk draw.


Staring out the window of Mr Mendes' car window I watched as the trees and cars passed by. It was a pretty warm day considering it was so close to hitting autumn.

"Mr Mendes?" I broke the comfortable silence.

"Please just call me Shawn out of school hours, using my last name sounds way to formal for me" he laughed as he one of his hands comfortably on the wheel, his other hand on the gear stick.

"Okay then, Shawn?" I laughed at the fact of having to call him by his first name.

Shawn Mendes, has a real ring to it. Don't you think?

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