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Song of the chapter- Everything is Lost by Maggie Eckford

[Mia's POV]

Sitting in between Karen and my Mum I held tightly onto each of their hands as I instensly waited to hear the verdict.

I kept staring down at Shawn as he anxiously sat his desk, his face pale and nervous.

He kept looking from the jury and back at us, each time his eyes sinking into mine showing me how anxious he was.

"Jury, have you made your verdict?" The judge asked, once hitting his paddle against his desk to get all of our attention.

"Yes we have your honour" a spokeswoman from the jury said as she stood up with a piece of paper in her hand.

Gripping my hold on each hand I felt like I was about to throw up any second as my stomach suffered with panic.

Looking down at Shawn I watched his eyes widely watching the spokeswoman, fear written all over his face as he bit harshly on the bottom of lip.

"We, the jury of Tornoto Canada, find the defendant, Shawn Mendes, in the case of Shawn Mendes against Mia Aniston not-guilty of abuse against a minor"

As those two words rolled of her lips cheers automatically came from the stands. People jumped up from their seats and so did I.

Standing up my eyes were wide with shock as I looked down at Shawn who looked beyond shocked.

Letting out deep breath of relief Shawn looked round and straight up at me. As a smile beamed across his face I grinned even wider.

He was free. He was free from this place. It was going to be us two again, we were going to be together again.

Pushing past everyone in the stand I ran down the steps of the court until I reached the main floor of where Shawn was.

As he stood up from his chair he greeted me with open arms as I crashed myself against his chest. His arms quickly wrapped around me, tightly suffocating me with the warmth and comfort of his body.

Burying my head into his chest I couldn't stop smiling as I felt myself begin to cry.

"We did it Mia, we're free" he whispered into my ear before placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Please don't ever leave me again" I said quietly as held onto the back of his blazer.

He didn't say anything but instead he just held me in his arms, holding me as if he was scared to let go.


[Shawn's POV]

Walking out of the main doors of court case I was hit in the face with fresh air of Canada, one of the things I had missed the most.

Within the short amount of time I had been locked away I had realised all the small things which I took for granted, one of which was simply being able to breath in clean air.

"So glad to have you back buddy" My Dad beamed from the side of me as he hitted me on the shoulder.

"Calm down Manny, you're acting like he's been locked away for years" Mum rolled her eyes from the other side of me causing me to laugh.

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