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Song of the chapter: Wake Up by The Vamps

It was now a Friday and Shawn and I hadn't spoken since he left on Wednesday. I kept picking my phone up to call him but I'd always change my mind and turn my phone off.

I didn't want to call him because I didn't want to ruin his time with his family and I definitely didn't want to take him away from spending time with his Grandad.

I mean he hadn't once texted or called me which got me under the impression that things were really hectic and busy over there, meaning the thought of me was obviously never crossing his mind.

I was bored dead out of my mind without Shawn here. I realised how lonely these hallways were without having Shawn behind the door of class B1.

Perhaps I was the only one who felt that way, after all I did spend more time in that room with Shawn then anywhere else in the school.

"You look lost, you okay?" Izzy's voice knocked me from my thoughts as she appeared next to me while I stood there with my locker open.

"Oh me? Yeah I'm totally fine" I gave her a smile before pulling my books for today out of my locker.

"You sure? Because you've been acting strange ever since we had a supply teacher for English. Do you miss Mr Mendes?" She teased with a smirk ok her lips.

I felt myself freeze for a second as I looked at her.

"Ofcourse not" I shook my head as I rolled my eyes, trying to shake off any thoughts of Shawn so I couldn't be caught out for acting in anyway strange.

"Well I miss him" she pouted as she lent her back up against the lockers, myself continuing to get books out.

I let out a laugh as I shook my head. I weren't jealous over her flaunting for Shawn, I found it quite funny really. It amused me how she got giddy around him and could do nothing about it.

"Well I'm sure he'll be back in no time" I laughed before closing my locker.

"I hope so, I need that cute arse back infront of my view for English" she sighed.

"You know what? I've got better things to be talking about then Mr Mendes' arse so I'm going to go, I'll see you in practice" I laughed and shook my head.

Taking a few steps back I turned around and began walking away. Izzy's flaunting of Shawn soon became muzzled by the sounds surrounding me as I got further away from her.

Holding onto my bag strap I took a right before coming down another hallway, a much quieter hallway.

Looking up from the floor I heard a ball hitting hard against the floor, repeating the same noise every second.

My eyes fell onto the group of jocks as they stood in the middle of hallway, taking up the whole walkway.

There were only the six of them: Hayes, Elliot, Felix, Korey, Michael and last of all Colby.

Colby was laughing along with something Hayes said while Felix bounced the ball, the other three talking between the six of them.

I would rather not go this way but it was my only choice considering drama was down this hall.

"Mia?" My name was called and I instantly wanted to walk the other way.

Hayes now had his attention on me, him walking over to me after he had called my name.

"I was just talking about you, are you free tonight?" Hayes asked with a smile on his face, a genuine smile which I weren't sure whether to take seriously or not.

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