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Song of the chapter: Let Her Go by Passenger, covered by Jasmine Thompson


Searching around the whole house I had no idea where Izzy was. I stumbled from door to door as my surroundings were smothered by horny teenagers.

Taking a loud sigh I spotted Grayson who was sat on the sofa with his arm around some girl, obviously trying to flirt.

Walking over to him I yanked his arm before pulling him away from the girl.

"What the hell Mia? Can't you see I'm busy?" He shouted through his very clear drunken words.

"Where's Izzy, I want to go home" I rolled my eyes.

"She's playing beer pong in the garden and she's already drunk off her arse. You'll have to get Colby to take you home" he shrugged before turning around and walking into another room, taking the girl with him.

"Fuck you" I muttered under my breath before turning on my heel and walking towards the front door.

Pulling open the front door I was faced with a gust of cold air, which had never felt so good against my skin before.

As I shut the door behind me I could still hear the muffles of music but it was quieter out here in the cold misty air.

The front garden was trashed as furniture and tissue scattered from trees, into the Hayes small pond.

God, I really hope that his parents kill him for this


Making my way down the long Hugh street it pitch black outside as only every other street light shone over me. I held my arms tightly across my chest as I felt the heavy rain hit again my head, drenching my whole body.

Just as I looked to my left I watched as the bright car lights shone brightly as it drove past me. I instantly felt a whole rush of water hit my side.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, squealing at the coldness of the uncomfortable water.

Stopping in my tracks I looked up from my soaked black jeans to the direction of the car which had come to a halt.

From anger to confusion I knitted my eyebrows together as the car reversed back until it was parked up next to me.

Holding my bare arms tighter around me I squinted at the car as the rain was so over baring that I couldn't hold my eyes open.

The black car door then flung open to reveal a lit up and quite neat seating inside. My eyes fell onto Shawn as he lent over the passengers seat to hold the door open.

He instantly had a guilty expression plastered over his face but I couldn't help but admire his scruffy looking hair, not to mention how just as good he looked in casual clothes.

"Oh my god Mia, I'm so sorry" he apologized continuously.

"It's fine Sir, I was already soaked anyway" I shrugged as I wiped my hand through my wet hair.

"Get in, I'll drive you home" he insisted.

"No it's fine, honestly. I'm not that far from home now anyway" I gave him a small smile.

"No please Mia, it'd make me feel a whole lot better if I know that you get home safe" he stayed persistent.

I playfully rolled my eyes before finally agreeing.

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