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Song of the chapter- Don't you worry child by Swedish Houuse Mafia, covered by Madilyn Bailey

"We know what's going on Shawn and if you don't explain to us how the hell this all started and what this exactly this is then I promise you that I will call the police"

I just stated at him, my jaw clenched as I balled up my fist up beside me.

"And tell them what exactly?" I gritted my teeth at him, but all the guys just remained calm and casual.

"That you're having an inappropriate relationship with one of your students" Dylan stated.

I shook my head before mockingly laughing at him. I looked down at the floor and shook my head before looking back up and scanning my eyes around all of the guys.

"You know what?" I said casually.

They all just looked at me with their eyebrows raised, waiting for me to give them all some type of answer.

"You can all get the fuck out of my house" I demanded before walking round the sofa and harshly picking up all the pizza boxes off the table.

"Are you being serious right now?" Tyler said in shock.

Looking over at him I just glared before piling up the rubbish in my hands.

"Yes I am. Now fucking get out of my house, all of you!" I snapped.

And eventually they listened. They all began getting up before getting their coats off the back of the sofa and walking towards the front door.

They didn't they anything as they left. Hearing the front door slam shut I let out an aggravated groan. Walking my way through to my kitchen I placed the empty pizza boxes on the side before pulling a black bag out from one of the draws.

Taking it back into the living room I began dumping all the rubbish into the bin bag. My blood was still boiling and as I binned everything I could feel my hands begin to shake.

My hands became unsteady as I held the bag but they kept shaking. Letting out a deep breath I dropped the bag onto the floor before plunging heavily down onto the sofa.

I sat there staring at my shuddering hands as I held them together, trying to stop them from moving.

My breaths soon became heavy and my nerves began taking over my whole body. After a heavy night all I could feel was physically sick from the possibility of Dylan calling the police.

If he did then I don't know what I would do. What would I say? If I lie to the police then they'll just figure out the truth. They'll take my phone and probably look over my whole apartment, after all some of her stuff is in my room.

I felt so sick knowing that tomorrow we could be over and my whole career, reputation and love life would be lost. I would lose Mia and that was what I feared the most out of everything.

[Mia's POV]

Pulling my hand down on the flusher I tiredly slumped down next to the wall. I must have been sick at least twice now and by now I was completely pale and drained.

Pulling my hair into a low ponytail I breathed in and out, trying to calm my nausea.

"Honey?" I heard my mum's voice from behind the bathroom door.

"You can come in Mum" I struggled to reply, even weak with my words.

Then door then creaked open as I looked towards it to see my Mum with a sympathetic smile.

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